C h a p t e r S i x

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The picture is of The Big Pair 1912

September 1912
I couldn't find my diary in time. Or else I would be reading on what I apparently missed out on. I sat on the chairs looking out on the docks. Crowds of People were there. Out of curiosity maybe? I started to hum the sweat music of the 70s. When all of our luggage was packed the ship closed and a loud horn went off indicating that we were leaving Russia.

I got out of the chair and leaned against the side looking out at the water. People were waving, yelling, and jumping around just to see a fragment of the royal family. I heard laugher as I turned around to see a bunch of soldiers lined up. The Tsar started to greet them and they kissed all of the Grand Duchesses hands. My eyes went wide and I ran off inside to the Tsarina and Alexei since she decided it would be best for them to be separated now.I barged into the room without knocking. The Tsarina looked up at me with no Alexei in the room.

"Valentina! Didn't I teach you to-."she stopped mid sentence and took a deep breath. "Please knock next time.". I nodded my head and walked up to her."what are you doing inside?"she asked setting her book down. I decided I would sit on the Tsarina's lap. Yes it was a weird gesture since I didn't know her well but she seemed very cold and distant to everyone I wanted to see if I could break down the walls she built around herself. "Valentina what are you doing?"she questioned me unexpectedly.

"I'm showing you affection, mama."I simply stated. She let down her guard and for a second she almost smiled. But then again she stated, "You are going to wrinkle my dress.". I shrugged and told her, "You will change it later anyway mama.". I looked at her unsympathetic expression. I saw a loose strand of curls and tucked it behind her ear. "You know I love you mama?"I asked her.

She looked very taken back by my statement. "I- I love you too my sunshine."She stuttered. She looked very taken back and pitiful. "You should get back to your your sisters."she voiced. I got off of her and went to the door putting my hand on the door handle. "Wait! Valentina I have one more question for you.". I turned around and looked at her. "Did you miss me? Did you miss me when you were gone?"she asked. I looked at her and smiled. "Of course I did mama!"I ran to her and gave her a hug.

She slowly hugged me back. The feeling was so different but yet very familiar. "See you soon mama.". I pulled away and ran to the door shutting it behind me.

I was out on the deck again. I spotted the Grand Duchesses hanging out with a few soldiers and ladies in waiting surrounding them. The Tsar and Alexei nowhere in sight. I decided to go to the other end of the deck, taking my sowing things with me so I wouldn't be pulled into their flirting mess. I stood looking out at the ocean wondering what a big propeller this yacht has. "Your majesty."I heard a voice behind me say. I turned around and saw a boy looking around 19 years old. "Um, hello?"I greeted but it sounded more like a question.

"Why are you by yourself, madame?"he asks me. "I don't feel like helplessly flirting with strangers and pretending to giggle about it."I answered him. "Oh, and please everyone calls me Valentina or Vanya."I ordered. He smiled at me and joined me. "Ok Valentina"he smiled.

I looked at him not caring for his presence. At least it wasn't someone who pitted me because I was "sick". I heard music starting and saw the Grand Duchesses starting to dance with themselves or accompanied by soldiers. "I'm going to move far away from their view."I muttered. "A Lady does not like to dance?"he asked sarcastically. I laughed and nodded my head.

"I will come with you, unless you want to be by yourself."he said. I shrugged, "I don't mind.". I walked over the the bench that sat against the wall of the ship and started to take out my essentials for knitting. The soldier sat next to me and I realized that I have never caught his name before. "I'm so sorry, I forgot to ask for your name."I embarrassedly laughed. He smiled at me, "My name is Misha Zima.".

"Like winter?"I chuckled. "Yes, like winter"he smiled. "Well then nice to meet you Misha."I said, sticking out my hand for a hand shake. When he took my hand I quickly shook it so he wouldn't have enough time to try to kiss it. I felt uncomfortable when people did that. He looked at me confused but didn't say anything. "May I say something to you and you won't get upset for?"he questioned. I nodded my head continuing to focus on my so called scarf.

"You are the prettiest one out all of the girls, do you know that?"he stated. My eyes went wide and I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. This guy just put himself out there like that. I took a deep breath and replied in a stutter,"Thank you so much! I appreciate the compliment. Many people say that Tatiana is the prettiest.". He looked at me and laughed as if I had just said the funniest joke ever.

"Valentina! Where are you?!"I heard Olga's voice yell out for me. I quickly got off the bench and walked up to her with my knitting things in hand leaving Misha still sitting on the bench.

"I'm over here Olga!"I yell out to her as she spots me. I speed walk to her as she she runs to me. "Why are you by yourself?"she asks me as we reach each other. "I'm not alone I was talking to a fellow officer."I answered her. She raised her eyebrow at me, "Who?".

"His name is Misha."I answered. "Ok we will talk about this later. It's time to eat."Olga exclaimed. She grabbed my free hand and pulled me towards the inside of the ship.

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