C h a p t e r S e v e n

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OTMA 1912 on the Standart dancing with the fellow soldiers

September 1912
I was learning how to dance. Olga was teaching me and Tatiana served as my dance partner. The captain of the ship stated that we would reach England in a few short hours. "Ok again! 123, 123."Olga spoke looking at my feet as I danced with Tatiana. Then I took a wrong step. "No! Valentina you are supposed to let Tatiana lead! She is acting as the male dance partner! The males always lead!"Olga explained frustrated.

I was mistaking the on the same step for the past twenty minutes. "Let's take a break."Tatiana suggested. "Ok, next lesson in 20 minutes."Olga stated. Tatiana and I let go of each other. I turned to the other the direction and saw Misha waiting for me. I turn to see Olga busy distracted by her crush Officer Pavel. I made a run for it and when I reached him, we sped walked to the other end of the yacht where no one ever came around there.

"Anything new?"he asked as we looked out at the ocean hoping to see land. "Olga is trying to teach me how to dance for the royal ball that is happening in England. But she has a short temper and it's boring."I said. He laughed and spoke, "Nothing happened much today. I helped out around the ship and then went out at the deck.". I smiled, "Must have been more entertaining then learning to dance.". Silence fell in between us and I eventually zoned out looking at the water.

"I can't wait to get off this yacht. I think I'm starting to get sea sick."I complained.  Misha chuckled at my complaining, "Many people would kill to be on something like this," "Valentina!"I heard Tatiana and Olga call for me. I looked at Misha and said my goodbye and ran over to the Big Pair before they could find me. "I'm here!"I waved to them. "Valentina Nikolaevna! I was so worried I had no clue where you ran off to!"Olga scolded. "Let's continue to practice."Tatiana said, ignoring Olga's scolding. We went back to the area we danced in. Tatiana took male lead again and Olga went back to instructing me.

"Alright! Again, left foot to the right not left."Olga reminded. Music started to play and I danced away with Tatiana.

After we finished the dancing someone yelled out that we saw land.
I looked and saw the land of Great Britain. "England!"Marie yelled out pointing her finger. The officers that guarded the Grand Duchesses ran after them. "Don't lean on to close or else you will fall." Tatiana warned. Anastasia rolled her eyes and continued to do it until our mama came out and scolded her.

We soon got to the docks and saw English servants waiting for us. "Valentina, since we are now on British land, we must only communicate in English."Olga stated speaking in English. I looked at her and saw her looking at mama. Mama gave her a nod of approval and quickly smiled before returning to her cold appearance. Finally I was able to speak my native language. Well not exactly but close enough.

We waited for the ship to dock. The Grand Duchesses and I ran to get our personal items packed before the servants would take them away. I really didn't take anything out but the ladies in waiting helped anyways. I walked out to the deck for a second until Anna, The Tsarina's trusted friend and lady in waiting, pulled me back towards the inside. "Valentina please, wait inside. The guards must check the premises for any activity and their are things to be unloaded wait with your sisters."she explained. I sighed and went back to my room.

The girls were excitedly giggling and talking to each other not noticing my presence. "You must be very excited, Marie."Anastasia teased her. Maria's face flushed red and shoved her sister. "What are we talking about."I asked. The girls turned around and the room went immediately silent. All of them turned around and looked at me. "We are just talking about seeing our cousins."Tatiana spoke up. "Oh." I said. "Are you excited?"Tatiana asked in a serious tone compared to her joyful one a few seconds ago. "Not really."I replied.

They frowned at me in confusion.

"Why wouldn't you be excited! We are finally out of the palace."Marie questioned. "Because, I don't know,  I just don't like being away from home.". Olga looked at me and gave me a sad smile, "You will be fine Vanya.". A lady in waiting came, " The Tsarina has called for you all.". We went and followed the lady in waiting and got to the Tsarina's room. There were five dresses laid out, all matching. "Change darlings, we must look presentable for King George and his family."The Tsarina ordered.

The dresses were plain white followed by a light coat to keep us warm. We went back to our rooms and changed with the help of the ladies in waiting which made me uncomfortable. After getting our hair done we stepped out to the deck and the Tsar and Tsarina waited for us with Alexei surrounded by ladies in waiting from earlier and the guards. We joined them and lined up in order. First went the Tsar and Mama, then Alexei and his caretaker, Olga and Tatiana, me, and Marie and Anastasia with Anna and the others behind us.

Two carriages and multiple cars were waiting for us. The First carriage was for our family and the second one was for our 'servants'. The Tsar greeted everyone and we were in our way to the castle.

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