C h a p t e r T w e n t y- N i n e

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Photo: Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna and Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna, the Big Pair.

June 1913
I was put to bed rest by "Botkin", I mean Rasputin. Once they put me inside, Mama ran over to the other room saying she was contacting Dr.Botkin. I was suspicious of her at first because mama told me to let me rest. Wait, that didn't sound suspicious, but the next thing she told me was that she was going to go to the church with OTMA. I didn't think of it much until I connected the dots.

I never felt more annoyed in my whole life. Not even the first one. What did nobody understand? I didn't want to be around him. He was a child molester a predator. I sighed as I laid in bed with fury. No one was around except Lili, who was taking care of me while the others went to church.

I sighed, full of boredom. Lili was reading a book but she glanced over at me. "Yes?"She asked. "I didn't say anything."I said looking out the window. The ocean was hidden by the crowd of trees. "When will we be able to go there?"I asked. "Where?"

"The beach,"I muttered. "When Dr.Botkin states that it's okay to get you out of bed rest.", the room went silent again and I laid back, staring at the ceiling. I shut my eyes and just listened to the sound of outside from the one opened window I was allowed to have. After a few minutes it was tea time. Lili handed me a cup of fresh hot mint tea with honey. "Drink up so you will feel better."she ordered. "Why aren't any of the nurses here yet?" I questioned her.

"They will get here shortly."she muttered. When the hot minty liquid touched my tastebuds, disgust filled my bones. I scrunched up my face making it look much more ugly, "Don't do that, or your face will stay like that permanently." Lili said. I sighed again in boredom.

A few hours later I was sitting in a wheel chair while the wind blew in my hair wildly, watching my siblings playing in the salty ocean water. According to Dr. Botkin it would be best for me to rest, so I couldn't get to walk. Yes, I was annoyed and yes I wanted to swim in the ocean. The beach was the only thing that was normal in this unexplainable situation.

Papa, OTMA, Alexei, and a few soldiers were in the water. The Governess and Ladies in waiting watched over the Grand Duchesses. Mama sat on a chair next to me, under this tent set up we had. Anna sat with us, as well as Lili, Grandmother was out at a meeting about some charity. "Can I at least dip my feet?" I asked turning to look at Mama. Mama gave me a stern look, "How will you accomplish that?" I looked back at the water, a scream was heard as the sound of Marie's voice followed, "SHVIBZIK! You little devil!" Anastasia continued to splash Marie

The waves glided towards the sand and then drew back to where they came from. I was very desperate to have this sense of normal. The beach, the ocean, it was the only thing that was normal in this unexplainable situation. The memories of America flooded back, "Someone at least wheel me closer to the water." I demanded. It was silent for a while until Mama lifted her head from the book she was reading, "Lili, be a dear and take her closer to the water. But not for too long."

Lili got up placing down her newspaper. She rolled me closer to the water but it was still far away from the spot I wished to be in. "Closer" I stated. She wheeled me a little bit closer. "More" I urged. She wheeled me a little closer until I pointed out which spot that I wanted to be in. I was finally wheeled there. It was high tide and the waves almost reached me just a few centimeters apart.

I bent over touching the water. The cool liquid touched my fingertips. I smiled widely looking like a idiot, I was aware but I didn't care. Having this feeling of normal was the best one yet. I couldn't wait to get off this crappy wheel chair and into the water.

"Vanya!", I looked to see Marie waving at me. I waved back watching as Anastasia jumped on Marie submerging her underwater. I giggled a little going back to touching the water as Lili stood chaperoning me. I did it for a while until I felt the cold ocean water being splashed onto me. I quickly looked up in shock to catch the person of blame. I looked to see little Anastasia laughing while she was drenched in water.

"Oh you messed with the wrong sister."I exclaimed. Before I recognized what I was doing, I got out of my wheelchair and ran into the water splashing Anastasia back, having my dress drenched in salt water. "VALENTINA!"Lili cried out. I ignored her continuing to splash Anastasia as she did the same to me. Soldiers ran, dragging me out of the water and back into my wheel chair.

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