C h a p t e r F i f t y - T w o

673 25 11

December 1914
I have never seen such a large Christmas tree in my life before, it was grand. Back in Arizona we always had a decent sized Christmas tree in the corner of our living room that didn't take up so much space and it didn't block the TV so my Aunite and Grandma could watch their favorite baking show. When I was little they always told me to quiet down since I was louder then the TV.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Maria asks me as the five of us sit in the school room, planning out gifts for Mama and Papa and of course Alyosha. Anastasia was arguing with Olga about what to get Alexei. This was such a hassle, all of us had different ideas and it would much be easier if all of us just got one gift from another...IDEA! I stand up frantically, everyone's eyes land on me.

"I have an idea!" I exclaim. "Yes Vanya?" Tatiana says. "What if we do secret Santa?" I suggest, proud of my idea. My sisters look at me oddly, "what?" Anastasia says sassily. "It's a secret gift exchange! We write our names on small pieces of papers and put them in a bowl and each person has to take out one piece of paper and whoever they get, you must get a gift for them" I explain.

"That sounds fun!" Maria smiles, "Any gift?" Anastasia smirks mischievously. "That idea sounds wonderful darling" Olga smiles and looks over at Tatiana for input. Tatiana looks as if she is deep into thought. "Then everyone gets a gift?" She asks again. "Yes" I answer. "I don't see the issue then" Tatiana shrugs as my other sisters stir in excitement. I walk over and get a piece of paper and pencils as I rip off tiny pieces of paper and hand it out as we all write down our names and mama, papa, and brother's name.

We put the holder up papers in a bowel as I shake it so that the names will be chosen at random. "Now we just have to wait until dinner" I say.
As we finish eating around the dinner table, OTMA and I look at our parents, Papa notices our glances and looks around himself, "Is there something written on my forehead?" he jokes. Mama looks at us, "it's impolite to state" she says sternly. "No Mama we have- Vanya has a fun Christmas gift exchange idea" Tatiana explains. Mama looks at me, "Go on"

I stand up and present my idea, totally not feeling nervous at all. At the end of my presentation papa smiles, "that sounds fun". OTMA looks at mama, "if your pap agrees"
Papa smiles at mama, "I agree, it sounds fun!"

Maria stands up and gets the bowel filled with the crumbled papers. She pass a random paper to each person. I open my paper and get....


I let out a sigh of relief, I have the perfect gift for Anastasia, paints. She loves to draw and paint so I can get her a set of paints and new brushes. I smile to myself as I look around the table, wondering who got who. Dinner finishes and I start to wonder if I'll get to see grandmama again? I think about my days in Denmark, I think about Rasputin, oh god I hope he isn't joining us for the holiday.

A few days past and I got Nastya the paints and paint brushes. I wrap them and put them under the enormous Christmas tree with my puppy Arizona with me. The little pair comes strolling in with a camera. "Hey Vanya!" Maria smiles. "Oh hello" I say, thankful that they didn't see me put the present. "Want to take a picture with us under the tree?" She asks me as Anastasia pets Arizona. "Oh sure!" I tell them. As we take the picture I watch grandmama walk in, after not seeing her for, forever.

I run up to her in shock and hug her. "Grandmama!" I say happily. "Granny!" The small pair run up and greet her as well. "Hello my children, Valentina," she says, Petting me. Arizona runs up as well, barking and wagging his tail excitedly. "Who does this lovely puppy belong to?" Grandmama asks, "He is Vanya's!" Anastasia says, picking him up. A Lady in waiting walks in surprised, she darts her eyes to grandmama and quickly walks out of the room, I shrug it off and we start telling our Granny what happened while we were not able to see one another.

The doors swing open harshly and mama walks in, "I told you to not come here!" Mama says annoyed to grandmama. Grandmama stands up, "I am the grandmother of your children, I can see them whenever I please" she tells mama. "Leave immediately!" Mama says. "No, I will not" grandmama says. Lili takes the three of us out of the room and we go back to the small pair's room.

After a few hours it's time for Christmas dinner. All of us sit down, including grandmama. We all sit quietly and observe mama and grandmama, to our surprise they act civil towards one another. We continue our Christmas dinner, knowing that- I know that moments like this will be treasured compared to what's coming ahead of time.

Merry Christmas! Happy holidays! I hope everyone is having a great holiday! This is just a small Christmas special, normal chapters will resume after! Thank you soooooooo much for 21k thank you for reading!

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