C h a p t e r T w e n t y-S i x

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Photo: OTMA on the Standart 1913.

June 1913
I was getting ready to go to Tsarskoe Selo to see my family. Aunt Olga wouldn't be joining us today because of some issue. It was probably her husband. I met him a few times, he seemed like a kiss up towards Grandmother but she could see through his lies. He was terrible, I didn't like him. I never knew how it looked like when someone couldn't love who they love. In 2018 being gay was legal. Anyone could marry whomever they wanted, at least in America.

I saw the way he looked at the officers, full of lust. I couldn't blame him for loving who he did but I didn't even pity him because of his terrible behavior. I got Tatiana's gift ready, her birthday was in two days. I knitted her a pink scarf and bought her a ring. She probably had jewelry already but I just didn't seem to know what she would like. The ring was silver with a small blue gem in the middle. I chose it out in Denmark while Grandmother paid for it. I put her gift on top of the nightstand so I wouldn't forget it tomorrow.

I dusted off my skirt and fixed my blouse. Ella came in to fix my braided hair. I sat in a chair while she unbraided my messy hair and started to braid it again. "I love how thick your hair is Valentina Nikolaevna, I wish for my hair to be like that."Ella said. "Thank you, your hair looks nice too."I muttered while looking around my room. "Are you excited for your wedding in August? Are you nervous?"I questioned changing the subject. Ella let out a sigh, "I am very happy but it is very inconvenient with me not being in Denmark with my family planning the wedding. But I will survive.".

I felt bad for Ella. She was going to marry the love of her life but couldn't even plan the details of her wedding. I should talk to Grandmother about letting Ella have a few months off for her wedding. She pulled on my hair a little too hard while brushing it out, "Ow"I yelped out, "Sorry dear."Ella apologized. She quickly finished her job and let me go, following me to grandmother as we got into the carriage and on our way to my family.

Grandmother and I sat separately from a few ladies in waiting. In the carriage sat Grandmother, me, and one of her trusted ladies in waiting, Victoria. I was looking out the carriage window and saw an army of officers surrounding our carriages and protecting us from the outside world of commoners. I hate using that word. It makes me sound stuck up, but technically I am the hidden Grand Duchess.

I decided not to wave like last time, when I was leaving for Denmark. I wonder what did the people of St Petersburg thought when I waved. Another snobby noble? We got to the palace's guarded front gates. The security opened them and we started our journey to the front gates. The palace was so big and looked so luxurious like for a royal. It was amazing how rich the palaces looked but how simple was the clothing they wore.

When I woke up in the small pairs infirmary after that night I expected the clothing to be expensive and grand, full of expensive material but to my surprise when I started to be around OTMA more their clothing was much more plain than I expected. Behind all the golden gates and large palaces they were very plain people.

We arrived to the front entrance. The guards helped Grandmother get out first, then me. We entered and were led straight to the garden of the palace to find our family there. The Tsarina sat in a chair while Anna sat next to her and proceeded read to her from a book. Alexei was running around with the Tsar and Anastasia. Guards were all around, some even joining the game the imperial family was playing. Ladies in waiting watching over the Grand Duchesses, the Governess speaking to the officers while keeping an eye on the children. There was many other people but some I didn't even know the purpose of title. Maria noticed me and ran over to me forgetting about the guard she was talking to.

I smiled at her as she ran up to me, giving me a hug. "Hello darling!"she greeted. "Good Morning Mashka."I said. She smiled at me pulling me away from our grandmother after greeting her. But before she tugged me towards the group I went up to mama, giving her a kiss on the cheek. She gave me a small smile as Maria pulled me away toward the crowd of people. Alexei was with Papa. He looked well compared to the last time I saw him. He ran into my arms giving me a hug. I was taken back, but hugged him delicately. He felt so fragile and delicate, like a flower.

Alexei quickly ran back to Papa with the Governess shouting at him to be careful. The Big Pair was hanging around the soldiers but not so oddly like the younger ones. Olga seemed to notice my presence but acted like she didn't. Tatiana didn't even notice my arrival. Maska seemed to notice my intense staring at the Big Pair, "We don't have to be around them if you don't want to." I turned and smiled at her. We walked over and sat underneath a tree with blankets already laid out.

We sat silently as we watched everyone around us. I smiled as Anastasia was making Alexei laugh. "Doesn't it feel good to be back home?"Maska asked. I stayed silent.


"Yes it does."I answered.

Hello beautiful people! I hope you enjoyed today's chapter. I would firstly like to thank for 1k views! I just still can't get over that! And thank you for 40 votes! I just can't express how thankful and joyful I am because of this, thank you again.

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