C h a p t e r T w e n t y - F o u r

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Photo: Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna Romanova 1913 on the Standart with her wig.

June 1913
Olga crawled out of the cabinet she was hiding in. She could fit perfectly since she stood at 5'5. She got up straightening out her dress. "Do you know where Tatiana is?"I asked her. "I can not tell anyone! It's against the rules!"she giggled. "This is urgent Olga, not a laughing matter."Maria commented. Olga looked taken back, shooting Marie a small glare while turning her attention back to me.

"Why do you need to speak with Tatiana?" Olga questioned. "I actually need to speak to the both of you... in private."I corrected. Olga raised one of her eyebrows at me, "Follow me.". She marched off first with Anastasia quickly following her, Maria and I walked behind them. "What are you planning on asking them?"Maria asked. "If they knew, and if they did why didn't I know."I rambled.

Maria just quietly listened as I rambled on about my frustrations. I never really got to know or speak to Maria during my time here, and I regretted it awfully. She was so nice and a good listener as well as extremely polite. She would give out her honest opinions about things that would change my perspective on things.

"Just forgive them for not telling you Valentina, Mama and Papa must have a justified reason for it. I would recommend speaking to Father Grigori. He always gives out good advice."Maria said. I gave her a weird expression, "I will never trust that lying scumbag, he deserves to know nothing." Maria looked at me in utter shock as little Anastasia yells out, "Found her!"

I snapped my head towards the direction of Anya's voice. The hallway was empty. I scanned it, when I heard her yell again, "In the infirmary." Maria lead me to the nearest door and in there stood the big pair with Anya. Tatiana was straightening out her dress. Her hair looked, off. It's like it was slanted. "Tanya... your hair is crooked." Olga noted.

Tatiana straightened out her hair into place again. "Does it look normal now?"Tatiana asked worriedly. She nodded her head and Tatiana looked relieved, while I was standing in utter shock. "What is wrong with your hair Tatiana?"I asked her. "You didn't tell her?"asked Anastasia. Tatiana shot Anastasia a glare, "No I didn't, since Valentina wants to talk to us in private and Alexei needs to be found, why won't you and Mashka go look for him?"Tatiana suggested.

Anastasia just shrugged and started to leave the room while Maria just stood there in place. "Mashka, why aren't you going?"Olga asked. I looked back at Maria as she looked at me. "She needs to be here too. Just send Anastasia alone."I ordered. Olga looked out in the hallway but it looked like Anastasia was long gone.

She closed the doors to the room and the four of us sat on the couches and Tatiana started the conversation, "I had gotten ill with Typhoid in February and I had to cut my hair." She removed her wig showing her short buzz cut hair. My eyes widened, "Is this why Grandmama and Auntie Olga left Denmark in February? Is this why Auntie Olga stayed in Russia for a few weeks before returning to Denmark?" I knew I should have questioned them on why Tatiana had her hair up early, when her birthday was a few days away.

Tatiana stayed silent nodding her head yes to each question I have asked her. "Why didn't you tell me?"I asked. "Because Fath-Mama ordered us not to."Tatiana quickly muttered. I sat silent then snapping at her, "Just like you didn't tell me that the public doesn't know I'm the third daughter of the Tsar." Her and Olga's eyes went wide, "Where did you hear this from?How have you heard?"Olga muttered in shock.

"Everyone finds out secrets eventually."I spat. Everyone stayed quiet for a split second until Maria spoke, "So you knew and didn't say anything?"

"No, it's not like that, it is just that Mama told us not to refer to Vanya as sister in public, in front of others. The little pair, if you or Nastya would refer to her as sister or Valentina Nikolaevna it was shrugged off because everyone thought you three were so close that you saw her as a sister instead of a distant cousin."Tatiana explained.

"Did I know, before the incident?"I managed to chock out. "No you were never supposed to find out."Olga answered. I sighed with tears starting to stream down my cheeks. I kept my stare on the floor not wanting to look at any of them. I felt the guiltily stares of the Big Pair and the sympathetic one from Maria. She moved closer and started to comfort me. "Valentina I-,"

"You have done enough damage for one day Tanya, leave her be."Maria hissed. The Big Pair left the room as my sobs echoed the palaces halls.

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