chapter 3.

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❝ i imagine you in the night sky, you comforting me somewhere. ❞

- star lost, stray kids.

- star lost, stray kids

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A month had gone bye, the snow beginning to fall more often and setting, making the ground look pristine and white. It was a beautiful sight to look out from the window in the temple, Y/N liked looking out, seeing the small snowflakes glide across with the wind. It gave them a sense of peace.

However, they weren't doing that right now, as they were chopping more wood. The temple had been mostly fixed, the rest was unfortunately unfixable, but Y/N would live with it. They were able to hunt some rabbits to stock up on food, but now there making sure they had enough wood to get them through a week at least, since the weather was getting worse, they wouldn't be able to leave as much, as they didn't have much protection against the cold.

Since having to work on the temple, they had felt stronger, which was to be expected as they had to become stronger to live out in the woods on their own. They had to hunt their own food, made the temple their home. Their purple and black kimono had small rips, which meant they had to learn to stitch up clothing – although they weren't good at all, they tried their best, as it was at least a few hours walk to the next village over - they learned a few skills by living at the temple, and they were glad. It was starting to feel like a home, and maybe, just maybe they would stay here.

Y/N was putting the wood in a corner of the room, making sure it was neat so they wouldn't trip over it accidentally. They placed their now sharpened and remade axe on a shelf, and sat down with their back again a wall, letting out a puff of air. 'I'm not even hungry, is there anything else I need to do?' Y/N thought. Not even two seconds later, there was a knock, then another one. Y/N narrowed their eyes, not once in the month they had been here, had anyone come here.

Y/N stood up and grabbed their axe, cautiously walking towards the door. Their hand hovered over the door for a second, after a burst of confidence, they opened it. A person stood at the door, 'More like they are looking over the damn door, not through it.' Y/N grumbled in their mind. They took a step back for a second, allowing them to actually look at the person. He wore a black gakuran jacket, and hakama pants, but what was more interesting was that he was wearing a yellow haori, with white lining that had writing on it. He was also wearing red beans around his neck, and around his hands that were in a praying position, what was the most interesting part was his eyes, they were completely white.

"Hello, young one." He spoke, "Are you here all alone?"

Y/N narrowed their eyes again and grit their teeth before nodding. Then realised he wouldn't be able to see that, "Yeah, I found this temple and fixed it."

"Namu amida butsu," The giant muttered, tears slipping from his eyes, "I bless you, child, thank you."

By now Y/N was extremely confused over this man, but also intrigued with his outfit, and the fact that he had a weapon that they had never seen before on him, which they only just saw.

"Do you want to come in?" Y/N asked, "It's not much, but I've only been here about a month."

The man nodded. Y/N moved to allow him to come in, he stepped in which showed his full height. 'He's got to be at least 7 ft.' They thought, eyes widen in surprise. Now that they could see him fully, his figure glowed slightly with a blue fading into a stone grey. Y/N sighed, they never knew what the colours meant, but they figured out after seeing people with different colours and could base their expectations on what their colour was.

Y/N grabbed his wrist and guided him to the carpet, "You can sit here. What is your name?"

The man settled himself on the carpet, his legs crossed. Y/N followed after him, letting themselves get comfortable, they felt like they'd be here a while, but at least they had something to occupy the time with.

"My name is Himejima Gyomei, the Stone Hashira in the Demon Slayer corps." The man now named Himejima stated, his hands still in the prayer position, "May I know the name of the person who fixed the temple?"

Y/N took a few seconds to consider, 'Demon Slayer corps? Hashira? Why does that kind of sound familiar... like I've heard people talk about it?' They were getting annoyed at not being able to remember anything. They cleared their mind, and allowed themselves to reply, "I am L/N Y/N, a simple human who needed a home."

The man now had tears streaming down his face. 'This man is weird... why does he keep crying?' Y/N pat Himejima's shoulder, "Thank you child, I have not seen this temple in years, it brings me some joy to know it is being cared for."

Y/N set themselves back down on the carpet, now interested. He hadn't been back to the temple? Was he the one who originally lived here? "What happened? This place was in such a bad condition. Some of it is irreparable."

Himejima looked like he was considering something, although his face didn't move much, he looked like he was deep in thought, but nodded and opened his mouth to speak, "Namu amida butsu. As you know, I am a Hashira in the Demon Slayer corps. Before that I was a simple man who took in and sheltered children in this very temple. One night, a demon had attacked us, and I couldn't do anything. I was weak, none of them had survived, except for me. I was able to hold the demon off until the morning, and that is where I was recruited into the Demon Slayer corps."

'There's another familiar word, demon. Why are all these weird words that I haven't heard seem so familiar to me? All I remember is knowing my parents died in front of me, some of their limps had chunks of flesh missing...' Y/N was deep in thought, before speaking aloud, "Does this... uh, demon, eat people, Himejima-san?"

The man nodded, "Yes, demons eat people. It is their food, and a way for them to gain power, little one."

"I think a demon killed my parents." Y/N mumbled, Himejima still heard and tilted his head, "I don't remember anything from when I woke up, maybe around 2 years ago, I think I used to remember, until one day I woke up with no knowledge except for who I was, and that I had a faint memory of feeling blood on my face, and seeing my parents lie on the ground with some of their flesh missing. I also remember a distinctively faint aura of pink, and purple, like the colour of my kimono."

"Namu amida butsu." Himejima chanted, "I am truly sorry for your loss, child. I will do my best to protect you, as you are near my estate and in the area I patrol."

Y/N nodded, letting their lips quirk up the tiniest bit, unusual for their normally stoic face, "Thank you Himejima-san."

Himejima chanted his saying again, stood up and slowly put his hand on Y/N's head, ruffling their hair the tiniest bit, "I must be going, little one. Please protect yourself while I am otherwise occupied." He started walking towards the door, Y/N getting up to let him out, "I will come back every so often to check on you."

Y/N thanked him, and guided him out, wishing he could stay a bit longer. They had not had any human interaction in months, although they would deny it, they missed talking to people. They watched Himejima walk away, slowly before turning back.

He waved at Y/N, then turned back and continued walking away. His last thought being, 'How do they know how to maintain Total Concentration: Constant, when they do not know about demons or the Demon Slayer corps?'

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