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❝ thank you so much for 2k readers.

it hasn't really hit me just yet that people

actually enjoy this book and my writing?

this kinda just started out as a random thought 

on christmas day, literally. i wrote the first chapter on the train back

to my uni, which got delayed - i had to change trains. twice.

it was quite funny, lol. but yeah! 

i just really wanted to thank everyone for commenting, voting, 

and even just being a silent readers. it warms my heart. :)

would there be anything you guys wanted to specifically see?

like a chapter with everyone, pure fluff? or in the future? 

or a crossover or something? (genshin, or bnha)

(i binge watched bnha and have read the manga so... 

you can comment, just put spoiler warnings for others). ❞

- ren. <3

another question, would you guys like me to add anymore love interests (not including nezuko)?

like kanao or yushiro? they're both cuties so it wouldn't be too bad to include,

i'd just have to write some stuff and make sure to include some scenes...

p.s tamayo will make an appearance soon :)

𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭, var!kny x readerWhere stories live. Discover now