chapter 10.

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❝ all the stars will keep on turning,
and i know i won't stop searching,
for the moment when the world,
stopped for you. ❞

- ballroom extravaganza, dpr ian.

- ballroom extravaganza, dpr ian

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"Kocho Kanae, the Flower Pillar, has been killed by Upper Moon Two!"

All Y/N could think of at that moment was thinking it was a prank. It was just a sick joke, right? Kanae hadn't been killed, she just was pulling a prank on them, right? She's not really dead...right?

Y/N gripped the snow, their eyes closed as tears continuously slipped out, they wouldn't stop. They just wouldn't stop. They felt cold, frozen over, they're kimono not helping against the frozen feeling that was now numbing their entire body.

They just wanted it to stop.

All their loved ones ended up dying.

Will they forget Kanae too?

Y/N let out another heart-breaking scream, the scream echoing across the valley. In a blink, they felt a warm hand – somehow foreign to their now cold body, covered in snow where they lay. They felt the warm large hands handle them into a bridal style, brought close to a chest. Tears still falling from their eyes, and they curled up into the warm chest, smelling the familiar scent of wisteria and stone. Gyomei.

They heard him softly murmuring something, but they felt so far away. So out of it. It was like they were underwater, like they were drowning.

Why Kanae? Why had it had to have Kanae?

Why didn't they follow that gut feeling? Why did they let Kanae go?

"It's all my fault." Y/N whispered, voice raspy from screaming and crying. "It's all my fault." They kept repeating it over and over, repeating it like a mantra, as if it'd bring Kanae back.

"I love you, nee-san." "I love you too."

A large sob wracked through Y/N's entire body, shaking their core, their body jerking at the movement. They heard Gyomei's soft shush's as he weaved his hand through their hair, cuddling them into his chest to console them.

"It'll be alright, you'll be okay."


Cracking open their eyes, Y/N felt like they had been hit with a boulder, slowly sitting up, holding their head. They remembered everything from last night, feeling tears gather up in their eyes again, but they looked up and blinked, willing the tears to go away. Once they felt they wouldn't tear up again, they looked outside to see the sun was high in the sky, around noon.

They sighed, rubbing their eyes that were red from last night and sluggishly got up, going outside their room to see Gyomei dishing up some udon. He looked in their direction and smiled sadly.

𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭, var!kny x readerWhere stories live. Discover now