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A/N: A picture of Jayden.

Jayden was standing still. He had been in that position for almost half an hour and Samuel's leg had begun to cramp.

He adjusted his position and turned to Chelsea. 'Are you sure he's going to do anything?'

Chelsea nodded without speaking. Her attention was completely focused on Jayden as though willing him to ride with her mind.

Samuel shifted uncomfortably. 'But he's doing absolutely nothing. He's just standing there staring at the horse.'

'He's not doing nothing,' Chelsea whispered in a voice tinged with admiration.

Samuel glanced doubtfully at her. 'He's not?'

'Can't you see?' she whispered excitedly. 'He's looking directly into Honey's eyes. He's bonding with her.'

'Okay,' Samuel responded unsurely. He wasn't quite sure if she was totally sane. 'Why is he doing that?'

'Trust,' she said it as if it was obvious. 'He needs her to trust him if they are to ride-... Look!' she pointed excitedly.

Samuel turned to see Jayden placing his hands on both sides of Honey's face. His eyes were closed and he placed his forehead on hers. He was muttering something under his breath that got Honey excited for she was pawing the ground with her hooves.

'He's transferring his strength to her!' Chelsea exclaimed under her breath. Her voice showed she was completely in awe and her face was bright as her eyes lit up in excitement.

Samuel glanced between the two and wondered if either of them were completely sane.

He looked down to rub his legs, looking back up in time to see Jayden grab the reins and swing himself onto Honey's saddle.

Chelsea let out an excited gasp. Samuel straightened up and peered expectantly over the stack.

Nothing happened.

Jayden just sat there with the reins hanging limp in his hands. His eyes were distant and his visage appeared to be plagued with dark thoughts.

'Come on, come on,' Chelsea urged under her breath, crossing her fingers as she braced herself.

Jayden continued to be completely motionless. In fact, except for the occasional twitch of Honey's tail both horse and rider could almost be mistaken for statues.

They remained like this for close to twenty minutes before Samuel sighed. 'He's having second thoughts. Do you think he'll go through with it?'

No sooner had he spoken than Jayden's eyes suddenly focused. He whipped the reins and dug his heels shooting Honey across the field.

They were nothing but a blur as they approached the course. They cleared the first couple of hurdles easily.

'They are making excellent time!' Chelsea whispered excitedly.

Honey zipped through the cones with lightning-fast speed. They shot through the next batch of obstacles without a single error then the next, then the next.

They were on a roll!

They soon approached the final hurdle, a five feet three inches long hedge. Chelsea started biting her lip as she shifted in nervousness beside Samuel.

'Honey has never jumped that high before. I don't think she'll be able to clear it.'

They watched with bated breath as they slowly approached the hedge. They got closer and closer, and Samuel and Chelsea gripped their hands together tightly. Honey approached the more than five feet tall hedge with sure feet and with a great lurch, they were suddenly over. They had cleared the final hurdle successfully!

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