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A/N: Picrew of baby boy Noel :)


'I hate fishing.'

'So you've said, for the hundredth time now,' Samuel replied with a small note of exasperation in his voice.

'I also hate boats,' Jayden continued, refusing to let up.

Samuel fought the urge to roll his eyes. 'This is also the hundredth time you've mentioned that and for the hundredth time I ask, how do you know you hate boats if you have never been on one?'

'How do you know you hate drowning if you have never done it?' Jayden countered.

It took another herculean effort for Samuel to resist rolling his eyes at his boyfriend. The summer vacation was almost over and instead of spending their last week bored and at home, Samuel had suggested a weekend fishing trip. Jayden however, had immediately curled his lip at the idea and flatly refused. It had taken an absurd amount of wheedling and bribery to finally get him to agree though not happily.

As if the universe was trying to punish him, Jayden had nit-picked and complained about every single thing the entire drive to his family's lakeside cabin in the mountains and as they made their way into the cabin, the thought of drowning was beginning to look more and more appealing.

'Did you know that about two hundred and thirty-six thousand people die of drowning each year?'

'I'm about to make it two hundred and thirty-seven,' Samuel muttered under his breath as he unlocked the door.

Jayden walked in before him, oblivious to his murderous thoughts as he continued. 'That makes it the third leading cause of unintentional injury-related death worldwide.'

'Unintentional?' Samuel shrugged. 'Sure, why not. I can make it look unintentional.'

'Also, statistically speaking, the probability of dying in a boating accident is higher in the summer than any other time of the year.'

'Oh trust me, the probability is about to become much higher in your case.'

Jayden finally seemed to have caught on to his homicidal sentiments. He turned and fixed his boyfriend with a piercing gaze. 'Was that a threat?'

Samuel blinked and plastered an innocent smile on his face. 'I don't know what you're talking about.'

A wicked grin snaked its way across Jayden's lips as he slowly walked toward him. Samuel backed away with each step he took, wondering how and when he became the one being preyed upon.

As the back of his waist hit the kitchen counter he realized that they had somehow managed to make their way into the kitchen and now there was nowhere else for him to run.

Jayden's dark eyes glittered like a predator which had finally cornered its prey and continued to walk forward, forcing Samuel to lean back until his back was almost touching the surface of the counter.

He gulped on reflex drawing Jayden's eyes to his neck and as they watched his Adam's apple move up and down, they grew even darker.

Jayden regarded him thoughtfully and not tearing his eyes away from Samuel's neck even once, spoke, 'You know I'm beginning to like the idea of both of us alone up here. We would be undisturbed and especially,' his voice dropped down to a whisper as he leaned closer to Samuel's ear. 'No one would hear your screams.'

Samuel didn't know how Jayden managed to make that sound both threatening and seductive but it worked. His breath hitched and his body began to grow warm. They stared at each other as the air around them thickened but before any of them could make a move they heard the door swing open and soon Leo's traumatized scream shattered the mood.

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