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They had been walking for close to six hours when they stopped for a break. They had woken up at the crack of dawn and after they had cleared their campsite and packed, Jayden had quickly scaled the trunk of a towering oak to try to figure out their position.

It was to no avail however and after some deliberations, they had decided that based on their vague knowledge of the geography of the area, it would be best if they walked in a southerly direction.

After that had been decided, the problem then arose as to which way was south. It took some arguing and a few head scratches before Jayden rolled his eyes and pointed out that the sun rises from the east. Therefore, as the sun was rising directly in their right, the south would be directly behind them.

That decided, they proceeded to trudge through the forest with a tiny seed of hope blossoming in their chest. That hope immediately wilted when Cam raised the issue of water a few moments later.

They all glanced gravely at one another and Jayden mentally slapped himself when he realized that they had missed a perfectly good opportunity to collect water when it had rained the night before.

They continued walking after Noel had suggested that changing their course to a south-western one might increase their chances of hitting a stream. After all, the Silver Lake on the school grounds was fed by many streams and rivers, flowing from the forest.

Therefore, it was with this faint sense of hopelessness that they trudged through the forest until they finally came to rest as the sun was reaching its zenith in the azure sky.

'I can't go any longer,' Leo gasped as he fell against the trunk of a tree.

'Neither can I,' Noel stated as he crashed down beside Leo.

Samuel and Cam sat down opposite them and Paul began handing out berries he had picked earlier.

Charles continued to remain standing. 'We've been walking forever and we haven't come anywhere close to any stream, river, spring, or even a puddle!'

Jayden was staring up, studying the sun's position. He looked down and glared at Charles. 'So what do you suggest we do, bonehead?'

Charles ignored the insult. 'Shh, I'm thinking.'

Jayden looked incredulous. 'With what? To do that you need a brain which is something you sorely lack.'

'Ouch,' Leo muttered, quickly stuffing his face with berries to hide his smile when Charles shot a dirty glare his way.

Charles continued to glare at him before he went on. 'I suggest we split up. We'll cover more ground quickly and if one group finds help, they'll lead it to the rest.'

'That's a bad idea,' Samuel said quietly.

'It is,' Paul reiterated firmly. 'Don't be stupid.'

Jayden scoffed. 'That's like telling the sky not to be blue. He can't help it, it's his nature.'

'Look,' Noel stepped in quickly, noticing the clench in Charles's fist. 'We don't know what's out there and where we are. I think it's best if we stick together for now so if anything happens at least we have one another.'

Charles gritted his teeth and said nothing. He moved to sit against the trunk of a willow and glared sullenly at the rest of them.

Jayden looked up once more at the sky. 'We'll rest here for a while and continue once the sun begins its descent.

They sat under the cool shade of the trees, munching on berries and talking amongst themselves. They had been walking nonstop for many hours and their exhaustion, coupled with the noonday heat soon forced their eyes close in a tired nap.

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