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They had been walking for three days straight since the fight and a tacit peace and understanding had settled among them. Everything was going smoothly, too smoothly in fact and this, in itself, should have given them some cause for concern.

It was on the next day that the incident happened. The day began as normal as ever giving no indication of the storm that was to come. They woke up, had their usual meagre breakfast of roots and berries, packed up, and set off before the sun was in the sky.

The sun was well up in the heavens when a cold sense of foreboding trickled down Jayden's spine. He paused and looked around, seeing nothing out of the ordinary he shrugged it off and continued on the path.

It was an hour later after they had stopped to take their midday break when he noticed it, the silence.

The forest was quiet.

Too quite. It seemed as if the life in it was hiding, the entire forest holding its breath. Warning bells went off in his head.

'Come on,' he said, getting to his feet. 'We should keep walking.'

The others looked at him in surprise. They were about to protest when they noticed the look on his face. They nodded and silently got up and continued their journey. It didn't take long for Jayden's tension to spread to the others causing their feet to become heavier with each step they took. Their hearts thumped in their chest as they cast worried glances around them. For what? They did not know.

The sun had almost begun to set when Jayden saw it. His blood run cold and a cold dread settled like a rock in the pit of his stomach. He said nothing but silently moved behind Samuel and slipped a stake he had earlier whittled from a piece of wood into his hand.

Samuel jumped in shock when he felt the cold wood in his hand but before he could say anything Jayden had slipped away as silently as he had come. He reappeared behind Paul and did the same. Paul looked up in surprise but nodded in understanding when he also saw it.

He moved soundlessly behind Cam and Leo and whispered into their ears. 'Stay close and don't make a sound.'

Before he could get to Charles and Noel who were ahead, he heard it. Paul turned to look at him with wide eyes and Charles and Noel froze in their steps.

The sound was unmistakable. It was the huffing, sniffling sound of a bear. Jayden's mouth opened in a half-shout but it was too late. A large black bear stepped out of the trees to Noel's left and it looked hungry.

'Don't move,' Paul whispered.

They all stayed still as the bear fixed them with a baleful eye. It studied them curiously and stepped close to Noel.

Jayden's eyes widened when he saw the killing intent in its eyes.

'GET OUT OF THERE!' he screamed at Noel but it was to no avail.

Noel had frozen in place, his limbs petrified with fright and he could only stare up with terrified eyes as the bear reared up on its hind legs and roared.

It swung its powerful hand towards him, claws extended in a deathly slash. Charles jumped in front of the attack and shoved him away before he fell, chest gashing open as blood flowed out, staining his shirt a chilling crimson.

The bear reared up again and roared furiously, startling birds from the trees and into the orange sky. It stomped its feet and moved towards Charles who lay unmoving on the ground.

Samuel leaped up from its side and stabbed it with his stake. The bear swung around and knocked him away with its paw. Samuel landed on the ground with a sickening crack and looked up helplessly as the bear stalked its way towards him.

Under the Same Sky [BOYXBOY]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora