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A/N: Thanks to cursedUwU69 for making this amazing fanart of Samuel in the picture above.

The summer vacation dragged along painfully slowly for some and flew by like the wind for others. Soon it was time to return and begin a new academic year at Lumière International High School.

The new second years were more than a little excited to begin their first year as seniors. They now had more privileges and freedoms than when they were teeny firsties and they fully intended to exploit them to the max.

The students arrived in droves in rows upon rows of luxury cars that lined the driveways and parking lots with their polished surfaces glinting brightly as they reflected the rays of the sun.

The hallways rang with laughter and excited shouts as students greeted their friends and moved back into their dormitories.

Jayden made his way through the chaos, ducking as balls and paper planes flew over his head. He dodged as someone flew a drone at his head and quickly entered the peacefulness of his dorm room, shutting the door on the mayhem outside with relief.

He looked around and grinned when he saw the door to Noel's room lying open. He pushed himself from the door and made his way to his best friend's room.

Noel was sitting on his bed, his head bowed as he paged through an absurdly large chemistry textbook. Jayden leaned on the doorway and crossing his arms, smirked at him.

'Missed me?'

Noel's head shot up and his eyes brightened when it landed on Jayden. He placed the textbook aside and leaped into his chest, squeezing him in a tight hug.

Jayden's body froze at the contact and he reached up to pat Noel's shoulder awkwardly before disentangling himself from him. Hugs or any close contact of any kind still made him uncomfortable and he tried to avoid it as much as possible.

Noel pulled away and looked worriedly at him. 'Are you okay?'

Jayden nodded, a confused look slowly appearing on his face. 'Yes, I am. Why would I not be?'


Noel proceeded to punch him as he yelled at him. 'You bastard! You leave my house then disappear without a trace without answering my calls or replying to my texts! I didn't know if you were alive or dead! You made me go sick with worry and for what!'

Jayden stared blankly as Noel's weak punches landed on him. He blinked and stepped forward, easily pinning Noel's hands to his side.

'Will saying I'm sorry cover it?'

Noel huffed and tore himself from his grip. 'No, because you wouldn't mean it.' He crossed his arms and shot him a furious glare. 'Explain yourself.'

Jayden blinked at him as he searched for a way to dodge the question. 'Explain what?'

Noel rolled his eyes. 'Well for starters, ever since you left my house I haven't heard anything from you. You didn't pick my calls or reply to my texts. Then a few days later, I have Samuel ringing up my phone like a crazy person. He was worried about you cause you weren't replying to his texts or answering his calls either. I had to find a way to convince him that you were fine though I wasn't even sure you were alive because like the bastard you are, you were ignoring me too.'

Jayden had the grace to look sheepish. He rubbed his neck awkwardly and shot Noel an apologetic grin but Noel wasn't done yet.

'Can I just add how difficult it was to convince him that you were alright. I didn't even believe it myself and he kept calling every single bloody day to check up on you and so to reassure him on something I needed reassurance on myself, I had to lie through my teeth.'

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