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To those who will be triggered just skip the flashbacks and continue reading from where the flashback ends.

FLASHBACK(3 Years Ago)

'Stop moving around so much Al,' Samuel laughed in amusement as he tried to get his little brother ready for bed.

Alex stopped jumping and turned to his big brother with a giggle. 'I can't help it Sam, I'm so excited! Tomorrow, I'll finally be allowed to go out with the whole family, meet new people, make new friends.'

Samuel caught him and carried him on his shoulder. 'Well, tomorrow will come much quicker if you go to sleep.'

Alex giggled and place his hands on Samuel's head. 'Make me fly! Fly like an aeroplane, like a superhero!'

'If I do, will you promise to finally go to bed?'



'Alright fine, I promise. Now vroom!'

Samuel chuckled and held him tightly. 'No, a car goes vroom. An aeroplane goes WHEE!'

He screamed as he ran around the room with Alex laughing on his shoulder. He stretched out his arms and shouted along with him.

'WHEE! Faster Sam, faster!'

They both burst into loud laughter as Samuel increased his speed, taking them faster and faster around the room. It wasn't long before Samuel threw them both on the bed in exhaustion.

'Are you ready for bed now?'





Alex gave him a wide toothy grin and Samuel inspected his teeth closely.


Alex stuck out his tongue at him and Samuel looked at it, intentionally stretching it out until Alex grew tired.

'Canb I pub ib bab now? My tongue is gettinb tireb,' Alex complained, his voice muffled by his protruding tongue.



'Alright fine,' Samuel laughed as he tucked him in. 'Go to sleep now, Allie.'

Alex sat up in the bed and shot him a glare. 'Are you forgetting something?'

'Of course not, how could I possibly forget storytime? Which story would you like me to read?'

'Avatar: The Last Airbender!'

Samuel chuckled at him. 'Again? Why don't you ask for something else, I always read you Avatar.'

Alex shook his head firmly. 'No! It's my favourite book.'

Samuel sighed and picked up the book, sliding into bed beside him. 'It's not even a proper book. It's a comic book.'

Alex glared at him. 'So?'

'Alright, alright fine,' Samuel chortled, opening the comic. 'No need to give me such a dirty look. Once upon a time the four nations lived together in harmony, then everything changed when the fire nation attacked...'

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