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A/N: The Headmistress's manor in the picture above.

The third term in Lumière International School rolled in and for the first years, their final term as first years. The term progressed slowly much to the detriment of both students and staff.

Jayden and Noel had just come out of third-period English and were walking down the hallway to their lockers.

'Do you know the feeling you get when time seems to stop? Honestly, I could almost swear that the clock was moving backward.'

Noel leaned on his locker and groaned. Jayden glanced at him in amusement as he keyed in his locker combination.

'You were dozing off in class, weren't you?'

Noel shot him a dirty glare. 'At least I had the decency to try and stay awake, you just placed your head on the table and slept through the whole thing.'

Jayden shrugged, an amused grin on his lips. 'I was tired.'

Noel shook his head. 'You don't learn, you don't pay attention in class; you sleep through half of your classes and skip the rest. How the hell do you get good grades? You even top some of them!'

Jayden shrugged again. 'I'm amazing that way.'

Noel muttered darkly under his breath as they began to make their way to their next class. They walked through the hallways but before they got to the class, Noel grabbed Jayden's arm and dragged him down another hallway.

'I need to pee,' he said in answer to Jayden's questioning look.

They walked towards the washrooms but before they entered, they heard an angry shout from within.


Jayden and Noel shot each other a puzzled look.

'Wait, isn't that...?'

Jayden nodded. 'It is.'

They entered the washroom to meet an amused Cameron leaning on one of the stall's doors.

He nodded at them as they came towards him. 'Sup.'

Noel glanced warily at the closed stall as a loud groan sounded inside. 'What's going on?'

Cameron folded his arms and grinned at them. 'Leo is understanding the meaning of consequences.'

Leo groaned again. 'This is all your fault. Why didn't you stop me?'

Cam rolled his eyes at the stall door. 'I did. I warned you not to eat it, I begged you not to eat it and what do you do? You ate it!' He shook his head. 'I took it from you at a point but you snatched it back because you never listen to me. Keep quiet and enjoy it.'

Noel looked worried as Leo emitted another groan but Jayden just looked amused. Noel glanced warily at the closed door.

'Would he be alright? Should we get the school nurse?'

Cam shook his head, a small smile on his face. 'He would be alright he just needs to get it all out of his system. Sadly, this is not the first time this has happened. Nor the second, or third, or fourth, or fifth.' He shot a dirty glare at the door. 'You think he would learn.'

Another groan came through the door. 'Fuck you.'

Cam shook his head as the washroom door opened and Paul and Samuel walked in. They looked surprised to see them all there and made their way over, Samuel immediately attaching himself to Jayden's side.

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