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A/N: Here's a picture of Paul to brighten up your day/night. Thirst in peace😉.

The Christmas vacation flew by like the sands of time and before anyone was ready, the second term had begun. The atmosphere was both excited and downcast as the students arrived and began to settle in their dorms, regaling each other with tales of their Christmas exploits.

Jayden had hardly opened the door to his dorm when a figure barrelled into him, crushing him in a tight hug. He blinked and looked down to see Noel smiling up at him. The smile, however, turned into a frown as he stepped away and fixed him with a piercing glare.

'It's been four weeks and I didn't even get as much as a text. You could have been dead for all I knew. I could have been dead for all you knew.'

Jayden rolled his eyes and moved to his favourite spot on his couch. 'And whose fault is that?'

Noel crossed his arms and scoffed. 'You, of course. Who else?'

'I asked you to give me your number and address but you didn't. You even left without a goodbye, I woke up to find you gone.'

Noel uncrossed his arms. He had the grace to look sheepish. 'I didn't want to disturb you.'

He huffed. 'Besides, it's not my fault you always sleep in late.'

Jayden shot him a disbelieving look.

'Alright fine,' he conceded. 'It's my fault but you should still have done something.'

'Like what?'

He shrugged. 'I dunno.'

Jayden shook his head and turned, nodding his head to Henry as he entered to place his things in his room.

Noel plopped beside him on the couch. 'Anyway, how was your vac?'


'It couldn't have been. How did you spend it?'


Noel sighed. 'I don't understand your obsession with sleep.'

'It's the closest thing I'm going to get to death.'

Noel shot him a worried look. 'Should I be worried?'

Jayden rolled his eyes. 'I'm not suicidal. I may not like living but I am not done living. I'm just curious about death. It's an unknown void filled with uncertainties and adventure. I just want to explore it. I mean don't you want to know what comes after?'

Noel looked unsure. 'I want to know but that doesn't mean I'm eager to know.'

Jayden sighed and shook his head sadly. 'You lack an inquisitive soul.'

'Forget all about that. At least you were alone for the vac. When you have all eleven of your siblings running around pestering you, how would you be able enjoy yourself? Can you believe my...'

Noel spent the rest of the day and a greater part of the night recounting stories of his vacation. Jayden sat patiently through it all with polite interest and when Noel finally fell asleep, exhausted, he carried him to his bed before turning in himself.

The next day, they were trudging down the hill on their way to class when Noel raised the question that had been bugging him for a while.

'So...,' he began nervously.

Jayden turned and looked at him curiously. 'So?'

Noel bit his lip. 'Have you checked your results for last term?'

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