Chapter 67

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The Christmas break was over and the second term had begun. After a long and laboured campaign season, the results of the school elections would be announced tonight at the Headmistress's Welcome Speech.

Election results however, were the last thing on Samuel's mind. He paced up and down his dormitory the shared with Paul mumbling to himself.

'It doesn't make sense. I have a feeling I'm missing something, but what?'

He had just filled Paul in on everything that had gone on during the Christmas break and as he had recounted the story, he realized that something was off about the entire thing.

'You also think it's odd. Don't you, Paul?'

Paul hesitated. 'I guess so.'

'No matter what he says, it can't have been a lie. Everything we went through together, what we felt, it was all real.'


'You don't think I'm being crazy, do you?'


Samuel stopped and stared at his best friend. 'You think I'm crazy.'

'I don't...'

Samuel let out a frustrated cry and slumped to the ground. 'Is Jayden right? Do I just don't want to believe the truth so much that I'm becoming delusional?'

The look of raw heartbreak on Samuel's face was enough to drive Paul to the edge. He couldn't hold it back any longer. 'You're not being delusional. You know what you felt and what you felt was real.'

Samuel looked up with a tear-strewn face. 'Then why would he do that? Why would he say that? It doesn't make any sense.'

Paul bit his lip. 'I don't know.'

Samuel's eyes narrowed. 'You know something.'

Paul panicked. 'What do you mean? I don't know anything.'

Samuel stood. 'What is it? Tell me what you know.'

'I don't know what you are talking about. Why do you think I know anything? I just found out what happened today.'

Samuel regarded his best friend closely. 'You are a terrible liar, do you know that? For someone who is expected to lead his kingdom in the future, you have zero ability to hide what you're thinking from your friends, and honestly, I would be more worried about that if I wasn't so concerned with what I'm going through now. Spill.'

Paul felt offended. 'I'm not a terrible liar, and in case you've forgotten, I've hidden stuff from you before. Anyway, I'm not lying. I really don't know what you mean.'

Samuel gave him a long look then slumped back down in defeat. Paul came forward and rubbed his shoulder sympathetically.

'Hey, don't be like that. It's going to be alright. Let's say you're right, and I'm hiding something. I wouldn't be keeping it from you if I didn't think Jayden had his reasons for wanting it to be kept secret.'

Samuel shot to his feet. 'Aha! So there is something.'

Paul groaned exasperatedly. 'Haven't you been paying attention to a word I've been saying? Even if I am -which I'm not. But even if I am, why don't you just trust Jayden to handle it.'

Samuel scoffed. 'Oh, I trust him alright. I trust him to do whatever would be best for me. The only problem is, I don't trust him to do what's best for himself.'

Paul opened his mouth but realized he couldn't really argue against that. He glanced at Samuel. 'Hold on, where are you going?'

'To see that stupid idiot.'

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