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The situation between Jayden and Noel was still tense. Five days had passed since the argument and neither side seemed willing to back down. There were a few instances when they were alone together that both wanted to say something but the simple truth was, they didn't know what to say. They both believed they were in the right, and they were both too stubborn to concede to the other.

This state of affairs had soon become so unbearable that Jayden had taken to sleeping in Paul and Samuel's dorm to escape it. Of course, this did not happen without a lot of side looks and suggestive smirks from their friends who teased them about it endlessly.

Samuel however was unfazed and seemed to rather enjoy this particular turn of events. As he told Paul one day, 'I don't know how I feel about this whole thing to be honest. On one hand, I hate seeing them fight, on the other, I get to snuggle up with Jayden. He's so soft and cuddly, much better than any of my stuffed animals.' He paused and glanced guiltily at Paul. 'Please don't tell him I called him soft and cuddly, if he finds out he will kick me off the bed and make me sleep on the floor. He has banished me for far less.'

Paul snorted at that. 'You already sound like a married couple. As if all you two do is just "sleep".'

'Get your mind out of the gutter. As if we would do anything with you just a door away.'

Paul nodded solemnly. 'I see. If that is the case I can move in with Cam and Leo whiles you two get... acquainted with each other.'

A chortle of laughter escaped his lips as he moved to dodge the swift kick Samuel sent his way. He steadied himself and turned back to Samuel with a curious expression on his face. 'So, are you guys officially together now?'

Samuel shook his head sheepishly. Paul frowned and asked, 'I thought you were going to ask him to be your boyfriend?'

'I am but,' Samuel sighed. 'I haven't figured out how to yet?'

'How difficult can it be? You already know he likes you so just go up to him and ask him.'

Samuel rolled his eyes. 'Of course, only someone like you who doesn't date will think like that.' He shook his head. 'No. I have to ask him in a very special way because he is a very special person.'

Paul thought about that for a moment. 'You want to know what I think?'


'I think,' he went on regardless. 'That you are complicating matters unnecessarily. Jayden is not the kind of person who will care about things like that.'

Samuel shook his head at him in disappointment just as the door to their dorm opened. They turned to see Jayden make his way past them and into the room he now shared with Samuel.

Paul stood up. 'That's my cue. I will leave you to perform your husbandly duties. If you need me, I will be at Cam and Leo's.'

He dodged the throw pillow that sailed at his head and with a laugh he was gone. Samuel cursed him in his head before making his way over to his room.

Jayden was lying on the bed with his face looking up at the gold and silver ceiling when he entered. He didn't look up as Samuel walked over, turning his head only when he felt the bed dip softly beside him.

'Things are still bad between you two huh?' Samuel asked with a compassionate tone in his voice.

Jayden nodded silently and turned back to stare up at the ceiling. Samuel reached over to run his hand through his hair comfortingly. 'It'll be alright, mi amor. Best friends fight all the time. If I had a penny for every time I had a fight with Paul, I would be richer than Elon Musk. What makes best friends, best friends is that they always make up afterwards.'

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