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A/N: Important author's note at the end. Please read! Picture above is Samuel's family cabin on their mountain retreat.

Thin shafts of sunlight shone in through the windows and into the room, lighting everything up in a warm golden glow. The light pricked Jayden's eyelids causing him to slowly stir awake.

He fluttered his eyelids open and slowly sat up, wincing as his head pounded mildly at the sudden movement. He brought his hand up to his forehead, slowly rubbing it as he stared around.

The room remained the same as it had been the night before and in the golden beams of sunlight, it seemed even more welcoming and friendly than ever. He looked down and was surprised to see Samuel soundly asleep by the side of the bed. He was half-sitting on the floor and half-leaning on the bed. His head was in his arms as they rested on the mattress and his chest rose and fell evenly with his soft breaths.

Jayden stared curiously at his sleeping figure noticing his haggard face and the towel clutched tightly in his hand. He looked down the side of the bed at the bowl of water sitting on the floor and to his side where a towel had fallen from his head as he had sat up and wondered what the hell had happened.

He slowly picked himself from the bed trying not to awaken Samuel and stood with bare feet on the cool wooden floor. He tossed off the sweat-drenched hoodie and made his way to the bathroom.

Samuel stirred slightly at the sound of the shower running and his eyelids slowly fluttered open when he heard the door open and Jayden's soft footsteps as he made his way from the bathroom back into the room.

He blinked and looked up to see Jayden getting dressed. He was about to speak but the words died in his throat when Jayden turned around and he saw the faint lines of scars crisscrossing his back.

His eyes followed the angry red scars as they trailed downwards, disappearing into his jeans. Jayden's back muscles moved as he put on one of Samuel's shirts and Samuel quickly averted his eyes, turning away as Jayden turned.

'You're awake.'

Samuel looked up and nodded. The events, or more specifically, the revelations of the previous night rushed through his head and he quickly looked away from Jayden's face.

He stood up, making sure to look everywhere but him. Jayden frowned slightly at his odd behaviour but did not comment on it. Instead, he gestured to the bowl and towels.

'What happened?'

Samuel who had been lost in thought jolted at the question. He looked confused for a moment before noticing Jayden's questioning stare at the items he had used to treat him.

'Oh, right. You broke out in a fever last night and were delirious.' He frowned and stepped forward placing a palm against his forehead. He looked searchingly into his face with concern. 'Your fever is broken. How are you feeling?'

He, however, suddenly realized their proximity and leaped away quickly, his hand flying from Jayden's forehead as if it was scalded.

Jayden stared at him in concern but he refused to meet his eyes.

'I'm fine I guess. Throat is a bit sore and my body aches a bit but generally, I'm peachy.'

Samuel nodded and stared at the floor. 'I guess I should, I need to, um... shower? Shower. I need err... yeah shower.'

He mumbled a quick apology and entered the bathroom. Jayden blinked at the closed door, wondering what the hell was up with him. He was acting strange. It was as if his presence had suddenly made him uncomfortable.

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