Chapter 83

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'Are you asleep?'

Jayden didn't answer and Samuel knew that he was fighting back the urge to shoot back a sarcastic retort which he appreciated very much.

He sat up from the covers and tried to make out his face in the darkness in an attempt to gauge his mood for his next question.

'Can I ask you a question?'

Jayden's eyelid cracked open slightly to study him. 'What are you doing now?'

'Another question then.'

Jayden sighed, apparently, he wasn't going to get any sleep anytime soon. 'What's on your mind?'

'Have you ever thought about what we're going to do when... you know... the baby comes?'

'No. I assumed you already have something planned.'

'Well, Pearl and I were talking, and we agreed that for the first few months, it should stay with our parents, preferably mine, since we are in no shape to take care of the baby on our own.'

'Makes sense.'

'I was wondering how we are going to explain it all to them when they are old enough to understand.' Samuel hesitated at this part of his sentence. 'The whole thing about having two dads and a mum.'

Jayden was quiet for a few moments before asking, 'Two dads?'

'Well yeah?' Samuel asked unsurely. 'What else are they going to call you?'

'I thought I would be more like the favourite uncle. You know, spoiling them with gifts and presents with the occasional card every Christmas.'

Samuel chose his next words carefully. 'Don't you think they should come and stay with us after we get things settled at wherever it is we're going after school.'

Jayden wrinkled his nose. 'Definitely not. Babies are disgusting creatures. It would be better to wait at least after it's potty trained and can hold a decent conversation in more than three syllables. Teenage years are the prime years, they ignore us we ignore them, everybody gets about their own business, and...' he stopped himself after catching the look on Samuel's face. 'I'm just kidding of course, if you want the baby to come live with us then that's exactly what we would do.'

He leaned over to place a kiss on Samuel's forehead and snuggled closer to him under the blankets, but Samuel didn't notice.

This is exactly what he had been afraid of. Jayden only cared about the baby as far as it pertained to Samuel's own happiness. He had been overjoyed at Jayden's righteous anger when the baby had been insulted but it was clear now that he had only been angry because Samuel had been angry and hurt.

He looked down at his boyfriend who had once more closed his eyes and sighed. 'Jayden...'

'Hmm?' Jayden hummed.

Samuel didn't know how to continue. He didn't want to ask Jayden to love the child because he knew that Jayden would try to do so because he wanted it and that wouldn't be right. Jayden was already doing more than enough as it was.

He let out another sigh and ran his hand fondly through Jayden's hair. 'I know you are doing all this just to make me happy.'

He could feel Jayden stiffen up beside him.

'You're not mad?' Jayden asked in what was barely a whisper.

'Why would I be mad? If anything, I'm grateful to you for putting up with everything as bravely as you do.'

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