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Jayden was scowling at the scene that was playing out before him. Crowds of richly dressed people milled about and glasses tinkled in the air. The spring day was bright and full of promise, a perfect day to throw a birthday party. Or, so his mother had said.

The second term had flown by quickly after the incident in the forest and the students of Lumière were on their spring break. It was Easter Monday, the day Jayden was born sixteen years ago.

He normally didn't make any fuss about his birthday and usually, his mother didn't interfere.


This year, as she had put it so succinctly, he had a lot to be thankful for after almost escaping from certain death. He needed to celebrate his life and so she had turned a deaf ear to all his protests as she threw an Easter picnic-themed birthday party on the garden in their vast luxurious estate.

She had really gone all out. The world-class garden was lined with ice sculptures depicting various animals and myths. Canopied tents dotted the green lawn of the garden and water fountains sparkled brightly in the sun's happy light.

The entire Noble 52 and the continent's upper class were out in full force. Several dignitaries and invited guests from other continent also made an appearance.

He stood at the entrance to the estate, welcoming incoming guests with his mother. Victoria Mills was dressed in a flowing garden dress of gold silk which accentuated her curves. Her hair was wrapped up in a turban with a diamond pendant in its centre.

Her beautiful face was free from any makeup-not that she needed it- and an exquisite emerald necklace adorned her elegant neck. Her smooth rich voice rose and fell with laughter as she made small talk with the guests before welcoming them in.

'Jayden,' she warned, smile still in place. 'You're scowling.'

Jayden sighed and rearranged his face into a polite mask of cold indifference, nodding at the guests who trickled their way in. He already wanted this dreadful day to be over.

Samuel was in his room playing video games when his mother barged in. She was dressed in an elegant flowery dress and her hair was coiffed perfectly down her back. She did not look happy.

'Samuel Kwabena Joseph Fredrick Adepa Asamoah, how many times do I have to tell you not to play around in my laboratory? For the last time, it's not a playset!'

Samuel removed his headphones and turned to her. 'You look nice,' he noticed suspiciously. 'Where the hell are you going dressed like that? You never go anywhere nice.'

Sandra walked over to the large mirror mounted at the corner of his bedroom wall to inspect her makeup. 'Your father and I have to go to this Easter picnic. All the members of the Noble 52 are required to attend so as much as we want to blow this off we can't.'

She turned to face him, walking over to straighten out his hair. 'Do you wanna come?'

Samuel dodged her invading hands and turned back to his game. 'Definitely not.'

'Lucky you,' she commented wistfully. 'If I only I had the same choice you do. Your father is far less happy about it than I am but even he knows not to refuse an invitation from Victoria Mills.'

That grabbed his attention. 'Wait, did you say Mills?'

Sandra hummed absently. 'Yes. It's their son's birthday. Jayden, I think it was. Since his birthday is falling on Easter Monday, they're holding an easter picnic-themed party. Everyone who is anyone would be there.'

She sighed. 'Anyway no more playing in mummy's lab, okay darling? I love your enthusiasm but keep it away from my test tubes.'

She left his room and an hour later she was almost out the door with her husband when Samuel bounded down the grand marble staircase fully dressed.

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