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Thin shafts of golden sunlight wafted in through the windows, stirring Jayden awake. His eyelids fluttered gently as they slowly blinked open. He looked strangely feline as he stretched, shaking the remnants of sleep from his body. Sometime during the night, he and Samuel had managed to move from their position by the Christmas tree and into his bed in his old room.

He looked down at Samuel who continued to sleep peacefully beside him, his chest rising and falling steadily with every breath he took. Jayden's eyes softened as he took in the sleeping boy by his side. His eyes roved over his face, memorising every detail as they moved downwards to his hands.

A strange look came into his eyes as he considered something for a moment. He quietly got down from the bed, hoping not to disturb the still sleeping figure on it and walked with bare feet towards the drawers at the side of the room.

He rummaged in them for a moment, frowning in concentration as he felt around. A small triumphant grin formed on his lips as his fingers touched it. He closed his hand around it and slowly pulled them out.

He blew gently on it to remove the dust before moving back to position himself gently on the bed. He stared at Samuel for a while before flipping the sketchbook open. Picking up a pencil, he stared once more at Samuel before moving it gracefully along the page.

The minutes flew by as he drew. He became so engrossed in his art that he was slightly startled when his eyes looked up briefly and they met Samuel's hazel ones.

'How long have you been awake?' Jayden asked, putting down his pencil to stare at him.

'A while now,' Samuel murmured sleepily. 'You look extremely pretty when you draw.'

Jayden didn't know what mortified him the most; the compliment that came out of Samuel's mouth or the blush it caused to slowly burn on his cheeks. Luckily, Samuel didn't notice as he sat up with a tired yawn.

'What are you drawing?' he asked curiously.

Jayden hesitated before turning the sketchbook over. Expertly drawn on the page were a pair of hands lying elegantly on the bed. There was a window with sunlight streaming through, the golden glow seemed to softly kiss and caress the limbs that rested on the bed. The figure who the limbs belonged to was incomplete but they bore an uncanny resemblance to Samuel.

Samuel's eyes lit up as he took in the drawing. He looked up at Jayden with admiration shining in them. 'Is that...?'

Jayden nodded. Samuel looked back down at the drawing. 'I'm flattered.'

He stood up from the bed. 'And I'm also hungry.'

Jayden tried not to stare as Samuel stretched before him, his muscles rippling with the movement. He stood and followed Samuel as he walked into the kitchen. Samuel pulled open a few cabinets and his eyebrows caved in as he took in the pitiful contents lying inside.

'Jayden, what happened to all the food we bought last night?'

Jayden tore his gaze away as Samuel bent down to rummage in the cabinets below. 'I think we ate them.'

'Of course we did,' Samuel muttered as he shook his head. 'Aha!' he exclaimed triumphantly as he opened the fridge door. 'I think I can work with this but we're out of juice. You need to run down to the store and get us some while I make breakfast.'

Jayden raised a brow in amusement as Samuel stared at the stove in confusion, wondering how to turn it on. 'Maybe I should do the cooking. The building isn't insured against a fire outbreak.'

There was a sheepish grin on Samuel's face as he stepped away from the stove, nodding in agreement. 'Yeah, that's probably for the best.'

Samuel moved as Jayden came to stand before the stove but the place was too narrow and for a moment, their bodies were pressed close together. Jayden's breath hitched in his throat as he felt the heat that radiated from Samuel's naked torso. He fixed his eyes on the thin silver necklace that hung around Samuel's neck, tracing it as it fell on his muscled chest.

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