Chapter 64

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Night fell and the manor was a blaze of lights. Richly dressed guests filled the grand hall, their pearls and diamonds glittering in the golden candlelight, and more were arriving every minute. In the ballrooms, an orchestra was playing a jaunty waltz as the guests twirled underneath the chandeliers. Wine flowed freely and glasses tinkled as laughter and conversation filled the air.

Cam and Leo stood to the side with Noel watching as the dancers paused to exchange partners.

'It's all so breathtaking, isn't it?' Noel said dreamily as the orchestra picked up another tune. 'They are so beautiful. Like fairies from another world.'

Leo snorted. 'Hardly.'

'Oh, but it's true. And for me this is practically another world. I wish I knew how to dance like that.'

'Well then,' Leo said, straightening up. 'If you want to learn I can teach you.'

Noel gave him a doubtful look. 'You?'

'Don't dismiss him so quickly,' Cam spoke up. 'He's actually very good. One of the best in the 52.'

Leo's chest puffed up with pride. 'I'm yet to meet the person who can outdance me. Come on, don't worry it's easy once you get the hang of it.'

Noel glanced at his outstretched hand. After a bit of hesitation, he took it and allowed Leo to draw him close.

'Now, place your hand on my shoulder... not too tight... a bit lower... there you go. I'll lead and you follow. And one, two, three. One, two, three... keep your feet closer together. Eyes up, look into my face. One, two, three...'

Cam watched in amusement as Leo glided Noel up and down the length of their wall. They got a few stares, but most people didn't pay them any mind.

After a while, Leo led a breathless Noel back. 'Not too bad for your first try. You kept tripping because you were nervous, unlike Cam who has two left feet. We can try again later if you want.'

'No thanks,' Noel breathed out. 'I don't think I'm cut out for this.'

'Not with that attitude,' Leo chided. 'How are you going to be ready when your Prince Charming comes to sweep you off your feet?'

'Speaking of Prince Charming,' Cam drawled, highly entertained. 'Isn't that Paul?'

They turned to see Paul enter the ballroom beside his parents. The light of the chandeliers threw his jawline into sharp relief, and he exuded regal confidence as he stood beside his royal parents.

The dancing ceased as they entered and a few women flapped out their fans to fan themselves heavily, their chests rising with excitement. The king smiled graciously and gestured for the music to continue.

The dancing picked back up and everyone's attention drew back to their conversations. Paul glanced around the room and when his eyes lighted on his friends, he bent his head to whisper a few words to his parents. They nodded and he broke away, moving towards them.

'Looks like he's just in time to sweep you off your feet,' Cam whispered, appearing suddenly by Noel's ear.

Noel jolted. 'What are you talking about?'

'What's going on between you two?'

'There's nothing going on. Now stop talking about it, he is almost here.'

Cam didn't look convinced, but he backed away just as Paul arrived. 'This isn't over yet,' he promised.

Noel rolled his eyes at him. Paul gave them both a curious look. He attempted to raise his hand in a greeting but found that Leo was already clinging to it for dear life.

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