Chapter 73

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A/N: I have some exciting news to share with you guys! More info in the author's note at the end of the chapter ;)


Jayden was miffed.

He knew it wasn't Samuel's fault, but he still couldn't help but feel more than a little bit neglected. The time they had spent together these past few months had been more than a little tainted with the stress of battling homicidal psychopaths and outmanoeuvring the cunning plans of scheming harlots. And though their bond had been tested and deepened under the weight of shared danger, they've had virtually little time to bask in their rightly earned victory.

After their little adventure had concluded, Samuel had been swallowed whole by his responsibilities as president of the student council and head prefect. It had been a whirlwind of meetings, paperwork, ceremonies, and charities, leaving Jayden to navigate the murky waters of his emotions alone.

As he stood outside the student council room, watching Samuel conclude yet another meeting, his chest tightened with a familiar blend of frustration and disappointment. Swirling within his exasperation, however, was a deep sense of pride. Though he had witnessed this scene countless times before, it never failed to amaze him how much of a natural leader Samuel was.

Listening to the firm but gentle cadence of Samuel's voice, Jayden watched as he effortlessly navigated complex topics and answered questions that his listeners put before him. The students seated along the long board table sat in enraptured silence as they dutifully took notes, and Jayden couldn't blame them. It was difficult not to be captivated by Samuel's presence.

The meeting finally came to an end, and the students slowly filed out of the conference room. Jayden waited until the room had emptied before walking in.

Samuel looked up in surprise from the mess of papers on the table and gave him a gentle smile. 'Were you waiting for me again?'

Jayden nodded as he came to stand beside him. 'How did the meeting go?'

'Dreadful,' Samuel groaned as he moved to slump heavily down on the sofa.

'It looked fine to me,' Jayden said, coming to sit beside him.

'It went on for far too long. Do you know how difficult it was to get everyone on board with the new budget cuts? I mean look at this,' Samuel waved a piece of paper in Jayden's face. 'Why do we need to pay for council members to go on a beach trip every term? And this,' he picked up another paper. 'Do we really need another pool? Like honestly?'

'A new pool doesn't sound so bad...'

'Well, we can't afford it!'

Samuel slammed the paper down in frustration. Jayden took his hand and rubbed soothing circles on the back of his palm.

'There, there. Don't let them get to you.'

Samuel gave him a look. 'You suck at giving comfort. Do you know that?'

Jayden shrugged. 'It's not one of my many charms. How about I give you a neck massage? I have magic hands, remember?'

Samuel's lips twitched as a particularly vivid memory rose up in his mind. 'How can I not? But sadly your magic hands would have to wait. I have a six o'clock meeting with the headmistress.'

'It's seven.'

'What?' Samuel glanced at the clock on the wall and closed his eyes in frustration. 'Of course, it is. The whole fucking universe is against me.'

'I'm not,' Jayden stated helpfully.

'You are my boyfriend, so you don't count.'

'Doesn't feel like it,' Jayden muttered under his breath.

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