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There are certain things in life that people can hardly face together without forming a close bond and killing a ten-foot bear is one of them.

As the boys woke later in the day and continued their journey, there was a noticeable shift in the atmosphere. Whereas before they walked silently with small spurts of bickering and snapping, now they walked with playful banter between them.

They laughed, teased, and joked around and even Jayden seemed more tolerable of the others' presence. He didn't frown or glower as much, his face taking on a more impassive look.

The change that had taken place between Charles and Noel the night before seemed to remain. The two walked firmly beside each other with their arms swinging by their sides, causing them to look down shyly when they accidentally brushed against each other.

Cam and Leo walked with Paul, engaging him in lively conversation with friendly inputs from the rest of the group. Paul though lively seemed a bit preoccupied as he carried on the conversation.

Samuel, as always, attached himself like a leech to Jayden's side, refusing to leave even after receiving a series of glowering looks. He rattled on happily in his nonsensical way as he bounced along the path.

Jayden didn't pay attention though. He was lost deep in thought as he reached up occasionally to rub a phantom itch on his neck.

The wounds of those injured in the attack were healing nicely as well. Samuel could now walk by himself though with a slight limp and he could move his arm a few inches. Charles's chest still bled open occasionally but it didn't hurt as much anymore.

All in all, the group that trekked through the forest was generally in a good mood and not even the harsh glare of the sun could bring down their spirits.

'It really is a beautiful day, isn't it?' Samuel declared brightly as they moved along. 'The sun is smiling down on us, the clouds are chasing each other playfully across the sky, the birds are dancing in the trees, the bees are hard at work and seven adventurous friends make their way bravely into the unknown.'

He shot a playful grin at Jayden and nudged him with his shoulder. 'It is a beautiful day to be with friends.'

Jayden rolled his eyes and said nothing. Charles and Noel smiled, turning to each other before looking away quickly in embarrassment.

Leo grinned and let out dramatically. 'To go where no man has gone before, to see what no man has seen before, to walk where no man has walked before, and to live as no man has lived before.'

'You need to have a life first,' Cam shot in with a playful smirk causing a short bout of laughter.

Charles began to cough halfway into laughing causing Noel to look up at him in concern.

'Are you okay?' he asked, placing a worried hand on his back.

Charles nodded shakily but soon covered his mouth as his frame shook with another round of coughing. He brought his hand back and Noel's eyes widened in alarm when he saw the blood splattered on it.

'Guys, come quick! Something is happening.'

The boys crowded anxiously around them and looked on worriedly as Charles began to cough again.

'What's wrong?' Paul asked hurriedly, concern filling his face.

'Nothing,' Charles answered shakily. 'It's nothing, I'm fine.'

He took a step forward but his legs buckled beneath him. Noel quickly caught him in his arms and knelt with him. He placed his head on his chest and felt his forehead with his palm.

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