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Suzuki, Akira and Ryuji regrouped in the school courtyard

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Suzuki, Akira and Ryuji regrouped in the school courtyard.

The madness of Suzui's suicide attempt had calmed down some, but students everywhere were still talking about it. It was crazy that they still had everyone cooped up in their classroom, rather than at home trying to process. It was as if they hadn't just witnessed someone try to end their life today.

Suzuki didn't get it.

Nonetheless, they found a small table in the corner next to some vending machines and sat down. It was evident from their faces that they were beyond livid, Ryuji especially.

Ryuji slammed his fist onto one of the innocent machines. "We can't waste any time. We gotta hurry up to that world and beat the shit outta that asshole!"

Morgana jumped out of the bushes at that exact moment. With ease, he hopped onto the table. "We 're not beating him up. We're simply stealing his distorted desire." He explained, catching the trio by surprise by his sudden arrival.

Suzuki sat on the bench and crossed his legs. "Honestly, at this point, I don't care what happens to him. Someone almost lost their life because of him." He muttered between gritted teeth. Any bit of merciful thoughts he had for the sick bastard had flown out of the window.

Akira and Ryuji were right there with them.

Morgana looked at the trio. "Can I assume that you've made up your minds about this -- about how he might suffer a mental shutdown?" He questioned, although their mind had already been made up.

They had thought about it, and look where that got them. There wasn't any time for second guessing.

Akira spoke for them. "There's no other way." He muttered, this was their only chance. They'd have to seize the moment. Suzuki and Ryuji nodded in agreement.

"By the way, is gettin' rid of a palace hard?" Ryuji questioned as his attention shifted over to the feline sitting on the table. "You've tried it before, right?"

Morgana tilted his head. "...When did I ever say that?" He questioned.

"Eh?" Ryuji's voice echoed through the air as an awkward silence filled the space.

"WHAT?!" He shouted, only voicing out the thoughts of the group.

Suzuki looked at the feline, bewildered and equally as confused. With everything that had been said, he was sure that Morgana was a seasoned vet at this whole process. Now, he wasn't so sure if he could trust everything he had been hearing.

A voice from around the corner shocked the group as an all too familiar female rounded the corner. Ann. She had a clearly dejected look on her face. Clearly, the events of earlier weighed heavy on her mind, as they would do for anyone.

"Is it true you're getting expelled?" She questioned, her arms crossed as she looked at the group before her. "Everyone's talking about it..." She added softly.

That was too be expected of Kamoshida. He didn't even waste a second. He probably forced another member of the volleyball team to spread the rumors, like he made Mishima do.

"That asshole's at it again." Ryuji muttered under his breath before catching Ann's gaze. "So, you came all this way to tell us that?" He retorted, bitterness in his voice.

She uncrossed her arms as she straightened up a bit. "If you're going to deal with Kamoshida, let me in on it too." She demanded. Suzuki respected Ann, he really did. She didn't falter under the piercing gaze of Ryuji, but instead challenged him.

It was clear that she was going to do something. Even if that meant taking action without them, Suzuki could see it in her eyes. She was determined to fight back.

The other three were caught off guard by her sudden proposal.

"I can't just sit back and do nothing after what happened to Shiho!" Ann was determined. Probably more determined than she had ever been before.

As much as Suzuki respected her, there was no guarantee that she had the same abilities as them. Without a persona, there wasn't much she could do. However, he didn't want to be the one to tell her.

Ryuji shoved his hands into his pocket. "This has nothing to do with you. Don't butt your head into this." His words were stern, as he stood his ground.

Ann looked almost betrayed at his words. "But it does!" She cried. "Shiho's my--"

"I said don't get in our way!" Ryuji cut her off without a second thought.

Suzuki jumped to his feet and placed a hand on Ryuji's shoulder. He understood both of them, but this wasn't going to help anyone in the long run. "Saka, calm down." He said, holding the slightly larger male back.

Ann bit back another comment. She glared at Ryuji before running back down the path she had come from. Suzuki couldn't help but feel a pang of worry for the girl. He hoped he didn't get herself into too much trouble.

"That was harsh..." Morgana commented as the girl ran out of sight.

Suzuki bought a drink before handing it over to the blond. Ryuji took it gratefully.

He took a hard gulp of the carbonated liquid before letting out a deep sigh. "We can't take her somewhere like that..." He commented.

Morgana gave a slight nod. More than anyone, he understood that well. Where they were going was no walk in the park. They had to be prepared, ready, and capable. It wasn't somewhere they could just take a defenseless girl.

"We just gotta hurry up and deal with Kamoshida." Ryuji added as he held the cool bottle in his hands. It was time to take action. "Let's go already!" He said as he started to walk towards the school entrance.

They didn't go too far from the school building. Instead of using the front gate like they did when Suzuki was dragged along, they decided to use a more discreet alleyway entrance. It was the best hiding spot for them at the moment.

"The moment we cross over, we'll treat each other like phantom thieves, so I hope you're ready." Morgana spoke, causing Suzuki to raise a curious brow.

"Phantom thieves?" He repeated. That was quite the term he coined. Akira and Ryuji looked just as confused.

Morgana gave a proud chuckle, as if he had been waiting for someone to ask. "Those who covertly sneak in and stylishly steal treasure -- that is what we become!" He proclaimed. Out of the four of them, none other than Morgana seemed the most excited.

"Not bad." Akira mused.

Ryuji nodded. "That sounds kinda cool!" He added.

"So, we just gotta say the school, Kamoshida's name, and castle?" Ryuji stated the three requirements as Morgana nodded off to each one. "Then we'll end up in bizarro world." He added as he pulled out his phone. He tapped the screen a few times before opening up the strange metaverse app that had downloaded itself onto all of their phones (saved for Morgana).

Suzuki leaned against the nearby brick wall as he watched Ryuji fiddle with his smartphone. "I wonder how it all works." He pondered aloud. "Did someone make it?"

Akira shook his head. "It doesn't matter." He commented. He was right.

"True." Ryuji added as he looked up from the phone screen. "There's no point in thinkin' about it now." He winded up his right shoulder, his dominate and whacking hand. "We'll show that effin' Kamoshida!"

There was a sense of unity among the boys. They understood what they needed to do, and why.

Ryuji looked at everyone and each member of the roster gave an knowing nod. "Let's do this!" Morgana shouted, as Ryuji finally pressed the start button.

The world turned purple, as black spots filled their vision. But they weren't alone. Unknowingly, a watchful blonde had been dragged in with them.

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