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Suzuki held onto that thought throughout the night, and before he knew it, Monday had came and school was already over

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Suzuki held onto that thought throughout the night, and before he knew it, Monday had came and school was already over.

Him and the others soon found themselves on the train to Yusuke's shack of a house.

"Phantom thieves goin' by train..." Ryuji commented as he stood in front of Ann and Akira as they sat in the last two remaining seats.

Suzuki had been standing right next to them, leaning against the holding bar right next to the door. "This ain't any different from how I get home from school, y'know." He added.

Suzuki chuckled softly in slight amusement. "The train is the fastest way to get there." He pointed out.

Ann quickly nodded in agreement. "Plus, we can bring pets on here." She added, referring to the feline inside the bag.

On call, Morgana popped out from inside the bag.

"Hey, who're you calling a pet!?" He hissed.

"Dude, be quiet! We didn't pay the pet fare."

Morgana shook his head, but listened to Ryuji receulantly. However, that never did stop him from saying more. "I'm the one guiding you to your destination! You should be calling me Master!" He replied, huffing his chest in dissatisfaction.

Before anyone could interject, an innocent little girl went scrolling past Suzuki. "Ooh, kitty!" She exclaimed as she approached without warning.

"Er, shoot...!" Ann muttered under her breath.

"Is that your pet, Mister? I heard it meowing!" The girl commented, an innocent grin on her face.

There was a certain innocent gleam in her eyes that made it hard to lie to her.

"It's a stuffed animal." Akira responded without skipping a beat.

Her head tilted to the side in confusion. "But I heard it meowing." She repeated, her grin straightening out into a slight frown.

Ann stepped in. "It's, um... a toy!" She added, a forced smile painted on her face. "It meows when you press on its head."

Ryuji's lips curved into a mischievous grin. Suzuki had been seeing a lot of those recently. "You heard her, Akira. Press on its head." He chuckled.

"This is ridic--"

Akira cut off the complaining cat with a firm press to the noggin. 

"M-Mewww...." Morgana stuttered, doing his best to fit the stuffed animal description. Suzuki had to stifle his laugh.

The innocent girl's smile instantly returned. "Wowweeee!" She cheered. "Again! Again!" She chanted excitedly.

Without saying a word, Akira began to button mash, pressing his hand down without warning onto the poor black cat's head.

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