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Suzuki returned to the group with a couple cans in his hand

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Suzuki returned to the group with a couple cans in his hand.

"Here." He handed the canned ice tea to Ann and the two extra cans of soda to Akira and Ryuji, saving the last one for himself.

Morgana popped his head out from Akira's bag. "What about me?" He meowed. The group had been in a relatively quiet spot, next to an old, untouched green payphone. People walked past them, not paying them  any attention.

"Huh? But you're a cat." Ryuji pointed out as he cracked open his can before taking a gulp of the fizzy liquid.

The feline ignored his comment. "Have you calmed down some, Lady Ann?" He questioned, his fluffy head resting on Akira's shoulder.

"Um... Morgana, right?" Ann paused, an awkward look on her face. "I really am talking to a cat... This feels so strange." She admitted.

"Oh!" She realized her mistake. "Sorry! You're not a cat, right?"

Morgana nodded. "It's only natural that you're confused." His tone was a complete 180 from how he treated Ryuji when they first met. Although Morgana was in a cat's body, he was just like any other boy. Suzuki couldn't help but be amused by his actions.

"Demanding that you understand all of this right after what you went through is asking too much." He added.

Ann's gaze shifted towards the floor as she ran her fingers over  the condensation of the can. The cool sensation comforted her some. "Honestly, I still can't believe what happened..." She muttered. "And that power... my persona." She sighed.

"It was amazing. You came out like a total badass." Suzuki commented. His comment broke the tense air that had washed over the group. He continued. "It was like a scene out of a manga, or something. Carmen came out, and you two instantly kicked ass."

The corners of Ann's lips curved upwards into a smile as she looked at the boy beside her. "Really?" She questioned.

Suzuki nodded once again. "Although the whip and stuff was kinda unexpected." He added.

Ann's face became a flustered red. Now that she thought back to it, the outfit was kinda embarrassing. It showed off every one of her curves, how anyone expected her to fight like that, she didn't know. The whip added another layer to the problem though.

"It's the will of your rebellion, Lady Ann." Morgana began. "With it, you'll be able to fight in that other world." He explained.

She nodded, as her blushed faded. "So if what you told me is true, we can make Kamoshida have a change of heart, right?" Her grip tightened on the can. "Is it really possible? Can we actually force him to confess his crimes?" She asked.

If they could, she wouldn't stop until they did.

"The volleyball team's keepin' quiet about this, while teachers and parents turn a blind eye." Ryuji shifted his weight. "If guys like us try and complain, they're just gonna shoot us down." He added.

All four of them were seen as nothing more an troublemakers, anything they said would just be ignored. But that didn't mean they could just sit there and watch in silence. Not only were their futures at risk now, but were so many others.

"We have to give this plan our everything." Suzuki interjected. It was this, or nothing.

Ann turned to him. "Then let me help too. I want to make him pay for what happened to Shiho!" Suzuki could see it in her eyes. She wasn't going to stop, regardless of what they said. "He just keeps like nothing happened, even after what he did to her. I'll never forgive him."

Ryuji looked at her with wide eyes. "You mean, you want us to take you along?"

She shook her head. "Don't act like I'm going to drag you down. Weren't you watching? I can fight too." She pointed out.

Suzuki nodded. "I think we should let Takamaki join us. Morgana mentioned it in the palace, having another person might make things easier for us too." He reasoned, Akira nodded too.

"She'll be great."

"Don't worry, I'll protect her." Morgana commented.

Ann crossed her arms as she turned her attention towards Ryuji. "Even if you say no, I'd just go in alone."

Ryuji frowned as he scratched the back of his neck. "Oh right, she can go by herself..." He muttered as he thought for a moment. "I guess it'd be more dangerous turnin' her down."

"Rgh, fine..." He said, finally giving in.

Ann gave a satisfied grin. "Then it's decided! Well, I hope we get along." She said, smiling towards Morgana and Akira especially. Out of the group, the other three were fairly acquainted with one another. Suzuki understood why Ryuji was so reluctant to take Ann with them.

"Just let me know when you're heading back in." Ann paused. "Oh, wait! We don't have each other's info." She pulled out her phone "Give me your guys number and chat ID."

They all shared their contact info with one another, adding Ann to their group LINE chat.

Ann gave a sweet smile. "I'll be counting on everyone then. Same goes for you, Morgana."

Morgana gave a pleased chuckle as a cat-like smile made its way to his face. "The pleasure is all mine, Lady Ann!"

Suzuki checked the time on his phone. It was much later than he was expecting, by now, the sun was already starting to set. "Ah, we should all head home." He pointed out. "Ann, I'll walk you home." He offered. She lived in the same direction that he worked, so it worked out perfectly for the two.

"Yeah, thanks." Ann gratefully took him up on the offer.

"See you guys Monday then."

The duo soon left, leaving the rest of the group behind. There was a comfortable silence that washed over them as they departed. Suzuki was the first to break it. "You know, you're not the one to blame for what happened to Shiho."

Ann gripped onto her bag as her gaze shifted down to her feet as they walked. "I know..." She said softly.

"It's just... I can't help but think of what could have gone differently..." She admitted sadly as they stopped at their platform. It was a rather empty area, allowing them to talk in peace. She leaned onto the slightly taller boy as they stood there together. Before she had even realized it, the tears began to fall.

Suzuki wrapped his arm over her shoulder, bringing her into a side hug as she started to bawl. "Shiho won't hate you. I know that for a fact. You did all you could as her best friend." He rubbed her shoulder tenderly as she trembled under his touch.

"I'll visit her with you, and we'll destroy Kamoshida for her sake, I promise." He whispered.

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