Chapter 11

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Next morning, Isabella waited eagerly for Potions. She wished Slughorn would keep his register in his desk drawer like the other teachers, but the professor usually carried it around with his briefcase which contained rare potion ingredients which he liked to show the class.

So she had to wait. 

And Black was her option. 

She had noticed something in the past few months. Black was incredibly competitive, sometimes to an extent where it wouldn't be considered healthy.

She didn't want to draw attention to herself in class, but she had to do something so that Black would try to get Slughorn's attention and she could get her hands on the student register.

Isabella was usually the first one to every class. The others took their time and arrived slowly. Except for Potions, that was. Black seemed to be racing her to class. 

He was a strange boy, really. 

Isabella went to class early because she didn't like crowding corridors and she tried to escape them as fast as she could. Besides, the only time she admired a classroom was when it was empty. 

She had barely placed her hand on the dungeons classroom's door when something zoomed towards her threw the door open and went inside.

Isabella blinked. 

Then she saw that it was just Black. And he was looking incredibly smug. 

Alright . . .weirdo.

Hiding her smirk, Isabella went to take her usual seat at the back of her class. 

Soon Slughorn entered the classroom with his briefcase and the class filled steadily. 

Then, he took out his register and started with the roll call. When he finished, he placed it on his desk.

Well, it's time.

Isabella raised her hand. 

"Miss Jefferson," Slughorn pointed at her. "Anything you want to say?"

"Professor, I had a doubt," Isabella said, trying to ignore the eyes of all others on her. She just had to get her hands on the register, that's what this was for. 

"Sir, I was reading," she said. And at this, there was a hushed whisper that went around in the classroom.

"About an Elixir to induce Euphoria," Isabella said pointedly avoiding looking anywhere but at Slughorn.

"And I felt the potion would have side effects, although none was mentioned in the book I read,"

"Ah, yes," Slughorn nodded. "The side-effects include giddiness and a slight tweaking nose. There are methods to counter them, of course,"

Isabella nodded and lowered her hand. 

Just as she had expected, Black put his hand to the air. 

"What are the counter methods, sir?" he asked. 

As Slughorn went to explaining that a small bit of peppermint would help, Isabella pulled her wand out under her desk and pointed at the register on the teacher's deal.

She had mastered the summoning charm ages ago, so it should be fairly easy. 

"Accio," she breathed and the register zoomed towards her.

She caught it and hid it under her desk quickly then glanced around to see if anyone noticed. 

Nobody did. Their focus was on Black who was talking intently to Slughorn.

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