Chapter 88

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Isabella tried her very best to skip the Halloween feast, but it didn't work. So she had to go through that loud, noisy, two hours of a feast at the Great Hall. 

She sat at the end of the Gryffindor table, feeling very thankful that there wasn't a troll in the dungeons this time. She was a prefect and she would have to usher all the kids to the common room, when she would rather be sleeping in the Room of Requirement. 

But she did have her fun.

It was very entertaining when she managed to undo the spells James and Sirius cast on unsuspecting students to prank them. And the confusion on the Marauders faces when it didn't work was simply hilarious.

Isabella didn't think anyone would notice, but it seemed that Lily knew what she was doing and the girl was giggling all the time, occasionally looking back at Isabella. . .or maybe it was just the sugar rush.

As the winter months rolled in, the chill settled, and one morning the castle woke up to a thick blanket of snow covering the grounds and the turrets. 

Slughorn cast a spell on the dungeons classrooms to keep them all warm. And Isabella found comfort in the Room of Requirement more often. 

She was really looking forward to the holidays and the last Hogsmeade visit for the term. She wanted to visit Honeydukes. 

And she was trying to find a way to avoid Slughorn's Christmas party. 

"Are you taking Remus?" Lily asked her as they left the latest 'little supper'. Slughorn had just said that they were allowed to bring someone with them for the party he was hosting on the occasion of Christmas, on the last day of term.

"No," Isabella answered. "I'd prefer going alone. Are you going to ask James?"

"Of course not," Lily scoffed. "I'd rather drag the Giant Squid out of the lake,"

Isabella opened her mouth, but Lily spoke over her. 

"Don't ask me to 'give him a chance'," Lily snapped. "I'm sick of hearing it,"

"That wasn't what I was going to say," Isabella said simply. 

"What were you going to say then?" Lily said slightly annoyed, at the smug look on Isabella's face.

"I think you already know," Isabella said with a smirk. 

Lily turned a bright pink. 

"No, I know what you are thinking," she said crossly. "And I am telling you, you are wrong. Potter's an idiot, an arrogant—"

"—Toerag?" Isabella suggested.

"Yes," Lily huffed.

"It has become a refrain of yours, hasn't it?" Isabella said. "Almost like it has become a habit,"

"No!" Lily snapped. "Of course not. I am just saying things as it is,"

"I see," Isabella nodded. "Of course. I understand. And I apologize for putting you in an awkward position,"

"It's fine," Lily grumbled. "Potter really isn't my type, I'm telling you,"

"James would be disappointed to hear that," Isabella said nonchalantly.

"Please, don't go on with that," Lily said rolling her eyes. "I've heard enough really. From Mary and Alice. How I'm supposed to be really lucky, because the Quidditch star everyone wants only wants me or whatever. But Potter's a jerk. I still haven't forgotten what he's done all along,"

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