Chapter 80

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Their trunks were packed, the owls in their cages, cats were being rounded up before the next day when they left for the Hogwarts Express. 

As it happened, Lily didn't seem to have forgiven Snape yet and he was still staring sulkily at the Gryffindor table, where Lily seemed to be giggling with Marlene and Alice. 

Isabella didn't involve herself any further in the matters. 

On a brighter note, she finally managed to get Snow Wiffle a collar, and convinced him to stay in his carrier for the journey. 

The End-Of-Year feast, was a pleasant occasion as usual. The only thing being that, Slytherin had won the House Cup this year and the Great Hall was decked with the Slytherin colours. 

Isabella had no problem with all that, except that she had to see Black's smug look. . .Jerk. . .


"Apparently, Miller was crying her eyes out in the dormitories," Marcus said as Regulus filled his goblet.

"I suppose," Regulus said with a shrug. He was a bit too pleased to bother with such inconveniences. Slytherin had won the House Cup, and the look on the Gryffindor's faces was worth all the trouble.

He was looking for Jefferson in particular, and when he caught her eye, she only glared back at him. And Regulus took this as a great accomplishment in ticking her off. 

Oh, yes. She was so smug when Gryffindor won the Quidditch Cup, wasn't she? Now, who was laughing?

"She's your girlfriend, you dingus," Marcus snapped.

Regulus looked at him sharply. 

"Who?" he cried. 

Marcus looked at him incredulously, and it hit Regulus. Oh, he was talking about Miller. Regulus had been thinking about Jefferson and. . .it caused his head to be muddled for a brief moment.

"Not anymore," Regulus said. "I broke up with her,"

Marcus blinked. 

"Why?" he said slowly. "And how? You weren't being rude, were you?"

"What do you mean rude?" Regulus scoffed. "I told her that I've had enough and said that I was breaking up with her,"

Marcus groaned. Regulus had been the one to dump her. What a shame. . .He would have liked it if Miller had been the one to realise it first and dumped Regulus instead, and given him a slap in the process too. Might have humbled Regulus a bit, the idiot. . .

"I thought you liked nice smiles," Marcus said.

"There are other criteria I look for, obviously," Regulus snapped. "Miller was a bit too talkative and whiny for my taste. . .And her smile looks so fake,"

Marcus shook his head and leaned across the table, to see Miller in a clearer view.

She seemed to have gotten over Regulus soon. Miller was looking quite happy, celebrating with her friends, smiling and laughing. 

Good for her. 

Regulus wasn't worth her tears. That jerk didn't even like her in the first place.

"I hope she finds someone better than you," Marcus said pointedly. "Much, much better than you,"

"Sure," Regulus said dismissively. He was focused on something else. 

"Haha, look at how displeased she looks," he said brightly. 

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