Chapter 175

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The wedding preparations had taken up everyone's time.

It was to take place outside and Isabella moved around, overlooking the decorations.

She was supposed to keep the mirror with her, but handed it over to Sirius because things were still awkward between her and Regulus. And she didn't want him to fuss about her standing for too long or whatever.

"Izzy!" Marlene cried, hurrying across the lawn towards her. 

"What are you still doing out here?" she said. "Everyone's getting ready. Come on,"

And before Isabella could so much as open her mouth to tell her, she was dragged away by Marlene. 

. . .But she still had to do the last run-through of the venue to see if everything was fine.

Lily was putting on her veil when Isabella entered the room. 

"Izzy, where were you?" Lily cried, making to hurry towards Isabella, but was held back by Alice.

"She's been looking for things to worry about all day," Dorcas rolled her eyes. 

Lily hadn't invited her family. And Mr and Mrs Potter were there for the event. 

Regulus was to polyjuice into a muggle bloke and stay around for the event. He wasn't a big fan of the idea, but that was the only option he had.

"Put your dress on," Mary said, handing Isabella the dress. 

"Thank you," Isabella said, and then turning to Lily she said, "You look beautiful,"

"Thanks!" Lily beamed at Isabella. 

"Oh, and Izzy, your shoes,"

"She'll be fine," Marlene sighed. "Stop worrying, Lily,"

Isabella didn't know being a bridesmaid came with so many responsibilities. She had thought she looked alright, but Mary said that she looked like she was going to bed and then there was a lot of fussing on Lily's part, which was shot down by Marlene and Dorcas.

Isabella was glad that she had given the mirror to Sirius. Having Regulus too on her back at this moment wasn't what she wanted.

"We go after Lily," Mary told Isabella, who nodded as handed the little flower bouquets around.

"They look so pretty," Alice said, examining the flower arrangements.

"Izzy's in charge of the flowers. She's a little genius, isn't she?" Marlene piped up, and Isabella sensed her attempt to give a good impression of Isabella on the others who were practically strangers to her. 

Lily and Marlene had been doing this from the start, because Isabella wasn't the one to start conversations. 

"My father was a florist," Isabella said. "I've grown up among flower arrangements. There's nothing too special about it," 

". . .And Lily, are you trembling?" she said. 

The others move their gaze to Lily, who was indeed, trembling.

"It's the nerves," Mary giggled. 

Fifteen minutes later, Isabella was outside, walking behind Lily who seemed to want to bolt in the opposite direction. 

Isabella wasn't entirely sure what Regulus looked like, so even though she scanned the guests, who were all looking at the bride, she couldn't really sort him out. 

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