Chapter 76

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The dream wasn't something new. She had read those pages long before dreaming out it. She knew what was going to happen.

Isabella had accepted it ages ago. If this was what was going to happen, there was nothing she could do. She was just going to inform Dumbledore about this and let the future take its course. She didn't want to change anything or do anything. . .

Alright, she did want to change it. But she didn't have the power to do that. 

And besides, Harry was the one who would save all of them. . .Just they had to wait for a few long years.

She wondered, if Bartimius Crouch Jr was given a lighter sentence by his father, would he not have harboured such hatred towards the man?

If Tom Riddle Sr hadn't abandoned his wife and his unborn child, would his son not have grown to harbour hate?

Well, the latter had already happened and all she could do was feel pity.
The first one, was going to happen soon enough, and for that day, she felt sorry. 

She knew who those four people were, even though she had never seen them personally. She had heard about them. Barty Crouch Jr, and the Lestranges; Rabastan, Rodolphus and Bellatrix. . .Sirius would talk about Bellatrix, but he didn't have the most positive things to say about her. He said that all his family were 'nasty gits' and that he 'hated' the lot of them.

Isabella looked up from the Gryffindor table, and her eyes scanned the Great Hall. 

The McKinnons would be murdered. . .She knew Lily, and James were going to get killed too. . Frank Longbottom and Alice, tortured to insanity. . .

She looked over at the Ravenclaw table, Bertha Jorkins, she was going to get used by Voldemort before eventually getting killed.

Then she moved to the Slytherin table. . .Rosier, Mulciber, Dolohov. . .they were bullies, and were rather open about approving of Voldemort's actions. They would grow up to kill and be killed. . .Then there was Snape. . .

Isabella's look softened. 

Snape seemed an okay bloke. He never participated in Rosier and Mulciber's actions of bullying others, hexing and cursing. But ignoring it was just as bad. . .but he could change. Even Dumbledore felt that way. That's why he had personally vouched for Snape.

Isabella followed Snape's gaze to the Gryffindor table and saw that he was looking at Lily. . .Yes, they were friends too. 

But Snape goes on to join the Death Eaters. . .

Isabella dropped her gaze to her plate. 

They all lived in dark times. And it would be better for them to enjoy the time they had here, maybe the only happy times in their lives. Within the protection of Hogwarts, where their childhood was protected by the castle walls. 

Outside, there was nothing good waiting for them. The future only kept becoming darker and they were all going into the abyss, some hoping for the best, some trying to make the best out of it. 

The end result didn't seem very appealing, however. 

Isabella finished her pumpkin juice and put her goblet down before getting up from her seat and leaving the Great Hall.


"You're doing what?" Regulus blurted out.

"A date," Marcus said smugly.

"With Jefferson?" Regulus cried, appalled. "Let me get this clear. You asked Jefferson on a date and she agreed?"

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