Chapter 121

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Isabella didn't want to go out. She simply didn't. 

It was the fourth day without proper sleep, and she was sustaining herself on gallons of coffee. She was sure she would fall off her broom if she went flying at the moment.

Luckily, that day, they were just going for try-outs for their new beater. 

She looked up at the ceiling and watched the grey clouds rumble past. It was drizzling slightly. 

Isabella yawned tiredly and raised her goblet to her lips, tearing her gaze away from the sky.

The Great Hall was empty, except for her that is. . .and Black who was sitting directly opposite her at the Slytherin table.

Neither showed any signs of acknowledging each other's presence and all their attention was poured into their breakfast. 

Isabella glanced at her watch, then downed the rest of her coffee. She got up from the table, and left the Great Hall. 

Regulus was majorly pissed.

How the hell did Jefferson manage to look so normal, when he looked like trash? 

He was sure that neither of them slept last night, yet he was the one who looked like the dead. She looked perfectly fine.

Isabella trudged down to the Quidditch pitch a couple of hours later. The rest of the team was already gathered there and there were a group of students waiting for the try-outs.

"Er. . .Izzy," James said, hurrying up to her. "We won't be able to make it tonight. We've got, you know, Marauders' stuff to do,"

Isabella thought back. . .Well, yes Remus did look exhausted since yesterday. The full moon was tonight. 

So, she need not expect the Marauders for Monday, or Tuesday. 

"That is fine," Isabella said. "I understand that you have prior arrangements,"

"It's really important," James said. "We wouldn't bunk on it otherwise. We'll be back before you know it,"

He grinned when Isabella nodded and then rushed back to start the try-outs. 

Isabella went to sit at the stands with the rest of the team as the slow drizzle fell upon them. 

"Morning," Marlene said brightly when Isabella took her seat.

"Good morning," Isabella nodded. 

"Were you thinking of leaving the team?"

Isabella blinked.

"Sorry?" she said in confusion.

Andrew leaned forward in his seat. 

"I heard McGonagall tell James that it would be better if he found a new Seeker," he explained. "But James refused and said that as long as you say something he wouldn't do it,"

"So, are you leaving the team?" he asked.

"No, I am not," Isabella said. Well, McGonagall did seem to pipe in every chance she got that Isabella was doing too much and should just drop a few activities. She wasn't even allowed to go to extra-curricular clubs, now she should stop Quidditch too? That was rather unfair.

And so she waited, watching the new players fly around the pitch, James evaluating them. 

"Sirius looks out of it," Chris pointed out. 

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