Chapter 169

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With May's increase in heat, so did the heat of Marcus' and Elena's argument grow. 

Regulus calmly stayed out of that drama. He had enough in his life already. 

"I don't get her!" Marcus snapped, chucking a pillow and the ceiling. It hit the ceiling, and bounced back down, hitting him on the face, causing him to go on a wild swearing-spree.

"You really should stop talking about Jefferson," Regulus said.

"I don't talk about her, alright!" Marcus yelled, sitting bolt upright in his bed, and turning to glare at Regulus.

"Elena was being all weird about her being Valerie, and then I said, 'why don't you go talk to her then?'," Marcus said. 

"And she gets all snappy, and says, 'Oh, you'd like that, won't you?' " 

Regulus raised his eyebrows. 

"What's got her wand in a knot?" he muttered.

"Exactly!" Marcus said. "You get it. And then I said, 'Yeah, I will' and she lost it,"

"Why would you say that?" Regulus scoffed.

"Listen, I'd rather not listen to my girlfriend talking about my old crush, alright," Marcus said indignantly. "It's just freaky. Nobody wants that! I was just glad that she'd talk with Jefferson and be over it,"

"Whatever's she all grumpy about," he muttered dejectedly.

". . .You do make sense," Regulus said, thinking, looking up from the evening newspaper he was levitating in front of his face. He had made it a habit now, to read every single piece of every newspaper carefully. 

"I know," Marcus said smugly. 

Regulus did feel strange too. When he was going out with Miller, and she would talk continuously about Valerie, who happened to be someone he liked. It just felt wrong. 

"I think she's just jealous," Regulus said thoughtfully.

"What of?" Marcus cried. "If anything, I should be jealous. All she ever thinks about now is Valerie and Jefferson,"

Well, Miller was indeed rather obsessed with that. She had been reading Valerie's predictions from the start, and when she found out that the person she had trusted so blindly turned out to be a girl she knew for years, she lost it. She's still taking time to process it all. 

And along with that, she also happened to find out that Regulus liked Isabella, and that Marcus also used to fancy her. 

Must be quite a lot for the girl to take in. 

Regulus flipped the page of the newspaper with a lazy wave of his hand. 

What if it was Isabella in Elena's situation?

He'd bet she'd try convincing herself to look at it logically. 

And she'd probably talk to Elena the moment she found out, try to spin it to her advantage. 

Regulus didn't think Isabella was the type to get jealous.

"What about your girlfriend?" Marcus demanded, just as he had thought this.

Regulus' head snapped up in alarm, then he processed the contempt in Marcus' voice and relaxed.

"Who said I have a girlfriend?" Regulus said calmly.

Marcus chucked a pillow at his head. 

"Stop trying to lie, it's not working you twat!" he snapped. "I know you're seeing someone. Because Jefferson isn't going to look at you,"

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