Chapter 161

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It was dark when with the lightest pops, dark figures apparated, just around the corner, hidden by the hedges. 

"Wormtail, good luck," James's voice said from under a cloak, as quiet as the wind. 

The next minute, the five figures were reduced to four, and the shadowy figure of a rat scurried off into the distance, and beyond the hedges, towards the towering manor.


"Let's do this," Sirius huffed, pulled the cloak over his head, and vanished.

"Kreacher," his disembodied voice said, and with a crack, the elf appeared by his side. 

"You take me inside, and then come back to get the others, alright?" Sirius said.

"Yes, master," Kreacher said bowing deeply. 

The elf grabbed Sirius' hand with his bony fingers, and then with another crack, they were gone. 

"Lils, you're staying with me," James whispered. "Moony, you go with Sirius, keep guard at the dungeon, we'll stay at the stairs,"

Kreacher reappeared with a crack, and then they left. 

The inside of the manor was dark, and not a single torch flickered on the walls. 

"Creepy shit," Sirius muttered under his breath, his eyes moving over the paintings hung over the walls.

He heard slight scurrying, and then soft footsteps.

"Wormy?" Sirius whispered.

"Pads?" a little voice answered and then a dark, cloaked figure Sirius recognised as Peter approached him.

Sirius lifted the cloak, and Peter rushed in. 

"Got in alright?" Sirius whispered. 

Peter nodded.

"No enchantments in the drains," Peter muttered. "Prats. . .Disgusting, though,"

"I'll buy you all the cauldron cakes in Honeydukes, Wormtail," Sirius said. "Let's go,"

"No one's up," Peter continued. "Dungeon's from the living room, and the doors pretty heavy,"

"Easily managed," Sirius muttered. "The damn elf can't apparate quietly. Thought he was going to wake the whole house,"

Their footsteps being muffled by a spell, the two of them trudged towards the living room, Peter leading the way. 


Regulus was expecting to see an empty room, but Isabella was already sitting at the round table.

"You are supposed to be sleeping," Regulus chided, closing the door and walking over to his chair.

"One day is no big deal," Isabella said, turning her gaze back to the book she was reading.

Regulus noticed that it wasn't a school book. He had never seen Isabella read anything other than books required for her studies.

"What is the book about?" he asked.

"It's a muggle romance novel," Isabella said. 

Regulus raised his eyebrows. He didn't think Isabella would be the one to read romance.

"And you like it?" he asked.

Isabella nodded. "So far, yes,"

She looked up from her book.

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