Chapter 176

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It felt strange not being on the train on the first of September. And it only continued being strange as the month progressed. 

The change was as visible as the change in season.

Remus was just back from his recent transformation and was in bed, Sirius staying back for him. 

It was obvious that Remus was very stressed about not having a job. It wasn't that he did not try, but rather that he got rejected every time. 

Peter was very dull too, the Ministry was draining his energy straight out. He said the reason he had tried it was because everyone said it was the right thing to do, and that it would help him earn well and settle down easily. But as he worked through the day, he couldn't help but want to just drop everything and go do what he wanted.

Isabella thought about her future too. But it was in a slightly different context.

Would she have to even worry about getting a job?
Should she write a will or something? Just in case something happened? If so, she didn't really have much as her possessions. She could just leave them there, she didn't know anyone who would want any of her things. 

Isabella spent most of her time in the room they were using as their 'meeting' headquarters. 

She was making plans, trying to tally everything down, match the timeline. There were many things that were dancing on uncertainty and nothing of time was mentioned properly in the books since Harry was the main focus. 

And Harry wasn't even born yet. Not even conceived!

One day, it became clear what the agenda behind the attack at the wedding was.

"They've trashed it completely," James said sadly. "Burned it down, everything's gone. . .I'm sorry, Izzy,"

Isabella sat in her chair staring ahead, her head blank. She only wished Regulus could have been there to hold her. 

Lily got up from her seat and came over to hug Isabella. 

Isabella was a bit too frozen to even react. 

The Death Eaters apparently destroyed her house. . .She was never planning on going back, yes. But knowing that it was no more hit her harder than she thought it would have

Regulus wanted to leave his house at the very moment and go over to Isabella. 

He wanted to hold her and tell her that everything would be alright. And that he would be with her always. 

"It's alright," Isabella said finally. "I wasn't banking on going back. . .So, their aim was to see what I can do?"

Sirius nodded.

"You should have just gone with Regulus," Sirius said. "You shouldn't have duelled,"

"Voldy's alarmed now," James said. "What even if his problem, really? Why Izzy?"

"Because of the prophecy," Isabella said. 

"But you said it was Dumbledore," Peter piped up.

"The Dark Lord suspects Isabella," Regulus said from the mirror. "Since Ollivander let out a few things, and Isabella's wand is made of elder too. . .Now you've duelled, they've seen what you can do,"

Isabella turned her gaze to the ceiling. 

That evening was the first time she had ever properly duelled. 

It was the first time she actually used the spells she knew to attack and protect. It was the first time they passed through her wand. 

And Isabella had left an inexplicable thrill. She didn't exactly enjoy it, but the thrill couldn't be ignored. 

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