Chapter 148

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Lily had followed Isabella to the dormitory only Isabella used. 

"You stay here alone?" Lily sniffed, trying to wipe her tears away.

"Oh, yes," Isabella said, throwing her handkerchief to the laundry bucket at the bottom of her bed. 

She put her broom away and went to take her clothes. A quick shower, some sleeping draught and everything should be fine. 

It was a Saturday, and the party would probably rage till past midnight. And McGonagall would be forced to come over and yell at them to go to bed. Just the usual.

Isabella coughed again, covering her mouth with her hands, so she had to kick the door to the bathroom open with her foot. 

She heard Lily let out a choked sob behind her. 

Isabella sighed wearily and ignored it, going into the washroom. She had to send Lily away, but she also had to wash her mouth first. The taste of the blood in her mouth was disgusting. 

"Izzy, this is not about Remus," Lily said. "And I don't care if you fancy him or not. But, your condition, it doesn't look too good,"

"Snow," Isabella called, washing her hands and walking out of the bathroom.

Snow Wiffle slid out from under the bed and Isabella levitated his food tray and water tray out. 

She bent down and stroked her cat's fur with a small smile.

"Lily," Isabella said. "I'm perfectly fine. I always was, always will be. So, don't worry,"

"Stop lying to me!" Lily cried. She strode towards Isabella and pulled her to her feet. 

"Izzy, please," Lily pleaded, her green eyes swimming with fresh tears. Isabella knew she was being sincere. . .but there was no reason to tell Lily. 

"Izzy, you're not fine," Lily said, another tear rolling down her cheek. "I know that. We all know that. So, please, don't lie to us. . .We all are worried sick. I don't know what I'd ever do if something happened to you. We're friends, aren't we? You can tell me,"

Isabella blinked.

". . .Friends?" she said, slightly taken aback. ". . .Anyway. You don't have to worry. I am sorry for worrying you and thank you for your concern. But it is rather unnecessary,"

"It is not unnecessary!" Lily cried. "Don't you think of us as your friends?"

Isabella almost blurted out 'No'. She saved herself just in time. 

". . .More like acquaintances, really," she said instead with a small shrug. 

Isabella was never the one for friends. She never made friends, and she wasn't going to start now. . .She made a mistake with Tom. She made the mistake of overlooking her past experiences. She won't be doing the same thing again.

This seemed to shock Lily more than it should have. 

Isabella wasn't going to stay there, trying to pacify Lily. 

"I think it is best that you leave," she said. 

Lily's lip trembled as though there were a million words she wanted to say.

But all she said was, "I see,"

She turned around and rushed out of the dormitory, her red hair flying behind her and then the door closed behind her.

Oh, well. . .A nice, hot shower was waiting for her. She should focus on that. 

Isabella slipped off her Quidditch robes and went to the bathroom, closing the door behind her. 

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