Chapter 42

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No. Just no. 

No, she wasn't doing this. Not one bit.

Sirius Black. It was Sirius Black, and he was thrown into Azkaban for murdering thirteen people, including innocent muggles and all he did was laugh? 

And Sirius Black, a supporter of Voldemort?! No way!

It was hard to believe, that Sirius was the one she saw in her dream. It was no news that Sirius despised the Slytherins and his own family, and considered their views disgusting, as he was heard telling himself countless times. 

And he joined the Death Eaters?

No, it didn't make any sense. 

And the way he had looked. Isabella had only ever seen Sirius as the loud, cheerful, energetic Gryffindor, who'd make jokes and lighten the mood every time. 

He was supposed to become a cold-blooded murderer? 

She let out a shaky sigh and got off her bed. 

Besides! She wasn't supposed to have these dreams. She wasn't in the presence of magic, she shouldn't be having any more of these dreams. She was looking forward to at least a week of peace, but it was all disrupted now.

Why the heck was this happening to her?!

"Are you alright, Izzy?" her father asked, concerned. "You look like you haven't slept at all,"

"The problem was that I slept," Isabella said in a monotone. "I'm on the verge of swearing off sleep. I harbour deep dislike for those dreams,"

"Oh, dear," Mr Jefferson said. "Had a nightmare?" 

"Not really," Isabella said moving over to the kitchen counter. "The dream was just a dream, but the reality looks a lot like a nightmare at this rate," 

"Good lord, Izzy," her father said patting her shoulder. "Dreams and dreams, and nothing more,"

"What if it isn't?" Isabella said sitting down. "What if my dreams do tell the future?"

"The future?" her father said, almost incredulously, but then he remembered that his daughter had magic. Something like this must not be strange in her wizarding world.

"So, you think your dreams they tell the future?" he asked.

"Possibly," Isabella said. "Or maybe I'm simply dreaming as you said,"

"Izzy, I trust you," Mr Jefferson said. "And if you say you can see the future, then I believe you can. . .So how is the future looking?"

"Very bleak," Isabella answered honestly. 

"So, is something bad going to happen tomorrow?" Mr Jefferson said.

"I don't know," Isabella sighed. "I can't see the immediate future. I'm seeing twenty years into the future,"

"Twenty years??" Mr Jefferson blurted out.

"Yeah," Isabella said sadly. "And I don't know what happened in those twenty years, but something went very wrong. . .I don't know what I'm supposed to do,"

Isabella didn't even know why she was telling her father this. She had never bothered him with her troubles, why would she start now? 

Maybe she was too exhausted from last night. Yes, that should be it. Her mouth got loose when she was tired.

"Ah, whatever," Isabella said airily. "I'm just going to enjoy my summer break,"

"I don't see how it is enjoying if you still want to work during your break," her father said as she brought out the plates. 

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