Chapter 51

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Isabella was going home for Christmas, but before that, she had something to do. 

She did tell Myrtle that she would pop in once in a while, it was time to keep her word. . .But after she finished the last of her homework. 

Isabella was in the library, finishing her essay for Muggle studies and she also had to make the numerical chart of Arithmancy, not to mention the planetary positions for Astronomy. . .Ah, she had forgotten about History of Magic.. . .She'd have to use the time-turner again to make time for all of this.

It took a lot of time for Isabella to finish all of her work and by the time she got up from her seat, it was already very late. 

Isabella piled up all the books on the table into her hands, and hobbled towards the bookshelves, returning the books. 

The books were piled so high, that she couldn't properly see what was in front of her. Luckily, she had enough sense to avoid banging into bookshelves and walls. 

What she hadn't counted on was her own feet. 

Isabella was going down the aisle with books on Magical Creatures when her foot slipped and the pile of books in her arms gave a dangerous wobble, before tumbling down. 

Isabella had grabbed the nearest bookshelf to keep herself from faceplanting on the floor.

She stared at the mess before her and let out a soft groan. 


She should have just used magic from the start. Feeling rather ridiculous, Isabella pulled her wand out and pointed it at the books. 

The books slowly rose into the air and floated away to their respective places. 

Isabella huffed and turned heel before leaving the library.

She went down to the second-floor girls' toilet and pushed the door open. It was dark as usual and the floors were sloping wet. 

Isabella hitched up her robes above her ankles and plodded towards Myrtle's cubicle at the end. She could hear the ghost's cries coming from somewhere in the U-bend.

"Myrtle," Isabella called. "I have to tell you something,"

Myrtle gave a few hacking sobs and flew out of her toilet, splashing water everywhere and then floated out of the door. 

"Oh," she said sounding slightly taken aback. Then she regained her composure.

"Why are you here?" she said. 

"What were you doing?" Isabella asked simply. 

Myrtle blinked confusedly, before saying, "Thinking about death,"

"A profound topic," Isabella said nodding. "Anyways, I am here to wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. I'll be going home for the holidays so I wouldn't be able to wish you then, so I'm doing it in advance,"

Myrtle stared at her for a while with wide eyes. Then surprising Isabella, she broke into fresh sobs. 

"Are you alright, Myrtle?" Isabella said concernedly. 

"Yes!" Myrtle sobbed harder. "Yes, I'm fine! . . .No one's ever come to check on me and wish me on the holidays,"  she said looking at Isabella with tear-filled eyes.

"I did say I would pop in once in a while," Isabella shrugged.

"Happy Christmas to you too,"  Myrtle smiled. 

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