Chapter 101

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Isabella was going down to breakfast on Sunday, when Sirius Black came barrelling down the corridor, almost throwing students out of the way. Somewhere in the back, she could see James' messy head bobbing along the crowd, running after Sirius.

Isabella had taken the sleeping draught the last night, and she woke a bit later than usual, which pissed her off majorly. And was having a headache.

And to add to all of that, this was the first thing she wakes up to?

Sirius grabbed her hand and steered her into an empty classroom, then slammed the door shut behind him.

"Izzy! Help!" Sirius cried, looking like a madman. 

"It would be more helpful if you could calm down first," Isabella said, slightly annoyed.

"I am a piece of trash," Sirius stated.

"Oh, my, what ever led you to that conclusion?" Isabella said sarcastically.

Sirius gave her a sad look, and Isabella felt slightly guilty for kicking him when he was already down.

"I never thought about Remus!" he whispered. "What if he's one of them?"

"One of whom?" Isabella asked.

"You know, the weirdos like James," Sirius said. 

". . .You mean, straight?" Isabella said, confused. Sirius nodded enthusiastically and Isabella facepalmed. 

"I don't think he is though," she said. "He could swing both ways. And what do you mean by weirdos? I happen to be straight too,"

"You are a weirdo too," Sirius said as though it was obvious. 

Isabella closed her eyes in exasperation. "Is that all?"

"Yeah, sort of," Sirius shrugged. "I'm taking your word for it," he said.

Isabella had just opened her mouth to say something when a loud knock on the door, making both of them jump.

"Sirius! I know you're in there! Come out!" James' voice said from outside.

"Okay," Sirius said taking a deep breath. Then he exhaled. 

"Here I go," he said in a soft voice.

"Oi! Padfoot! What did you run away with my glasses for? Come out this instant, you arsehole!"

"I'm gay!" Sirius shouted from inside. 

Isabella raised her eyes to the ceiling in prayer. 

"I don't think that is what he meant," Isabella said.

"That is not what I meant," James said in agreement from outside. "I already know and I support you nonetheless. Now get your gay ass out of there and give me my fucking glasses back!"

"Why would you take his glasses?" Isabella asked weakly.

"But you never tell me how I look in your glasses," Sirius said going towards the classroom door to open it.

"I would tell you how you look, if I could see. And I can't fucking see without my fucking glasses, you fucking idiot!" James bellowed.

"Hey! Watch your fucking language," Sirius barked as he threw the door open. 

Isabella saw a squinting James Potter standing at the doorway, glaring at Sirius, who, now that Isabella noticed, had a pair of glasses perched on his head. There was a crowd watching them, and Isabella was sure that half the castle would have heard them because both of them were extremely loud.

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