Chapter 118

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It was just a week into the new term, and Isabella was putting more focus on the mission, rather than her studies.

There was an airy, proud flush on the Marauders and Lily's faces, as though they thought they were actually doing something worthwhile. It didn't mean the Marauders had stopped their pranks. They would have deep discussions about that too. 

What Isabella was worried about was Regulus. 

They hadn't spoken after that day, and he seemed to be more miserable as time went on. Isabella had begged Snow Wiffle to take care of him and keep him company. 

And so, now the cat just hung around him without doing much. 

She did miss having her cat to play with in the evenings, but right now Regulus needed him more. 

Isabella also had to find time to focus on her studies. She was glad that she already read all her school books, but she needed to prepare properly so that she could give more time to the mission. 

She needed to get Regulus on their side. 

She didn't want to do this at first. It would be poking at something deep, she didn't want to hurt him in any way. Especially not emotional blackmail. . .of sorts. But she was left with no choice. 

She was going to have to use Sirius. 

Isabella would almost panic every time she thought about this. 

Because this was not supposed to happen. She should have been able to make this decision at first itself. She shouldn't have worried about how they would feel since her priority was not anyone's mental health. It was the greater good. 

She always knew Black wouldn't just listen to her. And she had been planning on using Sirius to get Regulus for years. But not that it came to it, she was having second thoughts.

Isabella tried justifying herself by telling herself that she would be saving both of them, and mending their relationship. . .even if it was for her use, and not because she was concerned for them. 

But she couldn't help thinking about what the reaction would be when they found out. 

He was supposed to be disposable. There shouldn't have been any other ridiculous thoughts around that matter. 

All of them were. 

She was doing them a favour if anything. They get to live longer, and they can collect all the glory if they want. 

All she was doing in return for all that, was pulling the strings from the background. Nothing more. 

. . .So much for feeling good about saving the world. 

Isabella glanced at her wrist again. 

She seemed to be getting weak physically. It must be the effects of the sleeping draught she was taking. Slowing down all bodily functions for six hours was bound to take a toll on her body. She had a few more days until the lunar cycle was finished, then she could take the antidote to counteract the side effects of the sleeping draught.

She had tried going to sleep without the potion. She simply couldn't. She had gotten used to it now. And even if she accidentally fell asleep for a few hours, because she was exhausted, she would have a dream and wake up in a cold sweat and with a splitting headache for the rest of the day. 

So, the draughts were her only option here.

Sixth year was harder than expected. Especially with all the homework that was being showered upon them.

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