Chapter 58

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Well, for one she was sure that Professor Lupin was more acquainted with the Marauders than he let Harry know. 

And James and Lily died to save Harry from Voldemort. Not to mention, Sirius was, indeed, after Harry and was possibly trying to kill him. . .Such an idiot, honestly. 

'My father didn't strut'

Isabella turned to see James swagger into the Great Hall for breakfast with Remus, Sirius and Peter. 

. . .Oh, he definitely did strut. And she personally thought that James would be very proud of the fact. 

Snape was not entirely wrong either, James did have very low regard for school rules, and he was the Quidditch cup winner too. . .

Isabella glanced at the Slytherin table and looked for Severus Snape, whom she found quite easily. He was sitting with Mulciber and Rosier, they were jerks too, but too stupid to ever cause any real damage. 

Somehow James and Sirius always got to them first and stopped them from bullying any younger students. It usually ended up in a duel, which McGonagall would break up and give all of them detentions.

Severus Snape. . .He did seem to loathe James and his friends. 

And the Marauders didn't hold Snape in a good light either. What Moony, Prongs, Padfoot and Wormtail sounded like something James, Sirius, Remus and Peter would say to Snape. 

Snape wasn't friendly with any of the Gryffindors except for Lily Evans. They were friends. 

But it was too obvious, Snape liked Lily and it was more than just friends.

It was also no new news that James fancied Lily, so obviously, the boys wouldn't like each other.

But their dislike for each other went deeper than just a teen-romance-triangle. Snape was always looking for ways to land the Marauders in trouble and The Marauders didn't take too kindly to Snape's taunts either. 

The Marauders were altogether a nice little group of fun-loving friends. They were nice to everyone so Isabella didn't see a reason why Snape hated them so much. . .

Oh, whatever. There was no way she would know at the moment. 

There might be incidents in the future that would explain the situation, but right now she couldn't be certain. 

For one James and Lily had gotten married. . and killed. . .betrayed by Sirius who turned to the dark arts. . . who also murdered Peter. . . And Remus was living in poverty, apparently, judging by the condition of his robes. It certainly was hard for werewolves to get legitimate, high-paying jobs. Poor Remus. . .Regulus Black managed to die alone in a cave dragged into the water by cursed corpses, which Isabella now knew were called Inferi. . .

Where were the Marauders with the development of the Marauders Map at the moment? . . .And wonder when they would get it confiscated by Filch. . .


"It's been months," Marcus said at the Slytherin table. "And you still don't know who she is?"

"No," Regulus sighed. 

"Yet you keep sending her your paintings with little love notes written in them? Marcus said incredulously. 

"I don't get you. It doesn't sound like something any sane person would do,"

"Shut up, Warrington," Regulus said pulling the sugar bowl towards him. "It does not concern you,"

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