Chapter 115

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Isabella started. 

Professor McGonagall was making her way through the hoard of students in the Entrance Hall. 

Glad to find an excuse to leave the Marauders to themselves, Isabella hurried forward. 

"My office," McGonagall said tartly, and then marched off to the staircases, with Isabella right behind her. 

"I've seen your results, Miss Jefferson," McGonagall said as they went through the castle towards her office. 

"You did very well," McGonagall said with an approving nod and gave Isabella a well-reserved smile.

Isabella felt her face heat up and she gave a small nod in return, forgetting the words momentarily. 

McGonagall gave her the time-turner again, and wished her best of luck for the new year, and then sent her off to the Great Hall, but not before handing her a folded piece of parchment.

Isabella read the letter on her way down to the Hall. 

It was from Dumbledore, asking her to go to his office after the feast, and giving the password to his office. 

Well, she was glad that worked out without much effort on her part. 

She pocketed the letter as she entered the Great Hall. The four long tables were already filled with students, and everyone was waiting for McGonagall to lead the first years for the Sorting to begin. 


Isabella raised her eyebrows. 

Lily was waving at her.


The yell was louder, and she saw James waving energetically. 

Lily jumped to her feet now, and James stood up on his seat. 

Sirius was a bit too busy laughing to stop them, and Remus' efforts were going in vain. 

 Well, Isabella certainly didn't want to sit there. . .But it would just be rude if she didn't go now. 

. . .She might be able to use it to her own advantage if she played her cards right. 

"What did McGonagall want?" Sirius asked when Isabella sat down.

"She wanted to congratulate me on my O.W.L.s result," Isabella answered automatically. 

"Ooh, you must have done really well then," Lily said. 

Isabella looked around awkwardly. She didn't want to say anything, it could be misinterpreted, but if she ignored it, she would be considered rude.

. . .Hang on. Most people already considered her rude. What difference was this going to make? 


Isabella pulled out her Daily Prophet from the pockets of her robes and opened it. Then she folded it into a smaller size so that she wouldn't disturb anyone. She then pulled out a small quill. 

"What are you planning to do after school, Izzy?" James asked.

"Relax, Potter," Marlen yawned from two seats away. "She still has two more years to decide,"

"Right, right," James nodded serenely.

"How many O.W.L.s did you get?" Peter asked, but he was shot down immediately.

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