Chapter 70

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"What did you have to act like a hero for, Black?" Montague barked.

"So was I supposed to just let her fall?" Regulus snapped back at his captain.

"Yes!" Montague yelled. 

"I caught the snitch," Regulus said calmly. 

"What use was it?" Montague scoffed. "We still lost. In the worst most humiliating way! Caught the snitch and still lost!"

Regulus sighed softly and drew himself to his full height before looking Montague, who was at least a foot taller than him straight in the eyes.

"And whose fault is that?" Regulus said. "It is not my fault your Keeping skills are pathetic,"

"You—! . . .If only you had caught the snitch earlier!" Montague roared, pulling his wand out.

"Calm down," Deverill, their Chaser hissed, holding Montague back. "What's done is done,"

"Wouldn't be the first time we lost," Alves said lazily, packing away his beater's bat. "But yeah, Black, what did you save her for? I hit that bludger for a reason,"

"It was against the rules," Regulus snapped. "No bludger should be hit in that area until the Keeper is in the scoring zone. The Keeper wasn't even near there!"

Alves rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, I heard enough from Hooch," he droned. ". . .You know, we should just keep aiming our bludgers at Jefferson. She can't bear the impact. It's the second time she's fallen,"

"First time she was almost killed," Deverill said warningly. "You could get expelled,"

"No one dies in Quidditch," Montague, who was no taking deep breathes and calming himself down said. "It only knocks you down for a while,"

Regulus rolled his eyes and glared around at his team disdainfully, before shouldering his broom and marching out. 

"Oi! Black! Get back here!" Deverill called after him, but Regulus was long gone into the rain.

"He's gone," he informed the team. 

"That brat has some issues," Montague muttered darkly. 

"He did get the snitch though," Alves said loftily. "And it isn't his job to be the Keeper,"

Deverill sighed and jumped up again, holding Montague back before he bashed in someone's skull.

Everyone in the fucking team had issues and he was the one who had to get everyone to calm the fuck down. One day he'd snap and he'd like to see the outcome. Gits. . .

"Will she be okay?" Marlene asked worriedly as they sat around the bed in the hospital wing. 

"Of course she will," Sirius said. "We've got Madam Pomfrey for that," 

They looked up from Isabella's unconscious form and up at the matron, who sniffed indignantly.

"Obviously," she said sharply.

"Why d'you think this keeps happening?" Frank said, he was leaning by the window. 

"I seriously would suggest her not to play," Madam Pomfrey said frowning slightly. "And Black don't you dare,"

Sirius who had opened his mouth, closed it and lowered his gaze. 

"Such sudden impacts are not good for her," 

"Why?" James said. 

"I don't know much," Madam Pomfrey huffed and moved to clean the muddy footprints the team had left in the hospital wing. 

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