Chapter 114

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"Good morning, Mr Ollivander," Isabella said when she entered the old wand shop. 

Ollivander who was at the counter looked up and when he saw her smiled kindly.

"I thought you'd have stopped coming," Ollivander said. "Fifth year done, new priorities, and new aspirations,"

Isabella shrugged. 

"I guess, I still prefer this wand shop," she said. 

"Don't have you career advising in your fifth year?" Ollivander said as he beckoned Isabella forward. 

"Yes," Isabella nodded.

"So, what have you chosen?" Ollivander asked curiously. "I've waited for this year, to find out what destiny has in store for you,"

"I haven't been able to decide yet," Isabella said. "In all honesty, none of the options seem too appealing. However, I was thinking the Ministry of Magic, then try to get to the Wizengamot,"

"The Wizengamot?" Ollivander said, slightly surprised. Then he nodded approvingly.

"Yes, you are capable of that," he said. "And you won't believe this, but I've taken a subscription to the Witch Weekly. Now I read Visions of Valerie as much as I read the newspaper,"

Isabella chuckled lightly. 

"It must make you popular with the old ladies," Isabella said teasingly. "I've heard that the statistics show that more females read my section,"

"Well, I might just try my luck then," Ollivander laughed.

Isabella spent the rest of the summer vacations at Ollivanders and the Leaky Cauldron. She would go around walking the streets when she took a break and read her newspaper. All she saw were articles of people dying and the Dark Mark being set off on places, and how the Order was fighting against Voldemort. 

Ollivander asked her to be careful and walk next to shops because no one knew when the Death Eaters would turn up and decide to go on a rampage. And they would be wearing their masks and no one would know what was happening until it was too late. The Crikket Market was destroyed a few weeks ago, and there was nothing the Ministry could do about it.

At the end of the month of July, they got their letters with the grades they received on their O.W.L.s. 

Isabella was at Ollivanders as usual when the owl brought in her results. 

She slit the letter open, and set it down on the table. Then she gave a small smile. Yes, she had expected it.

Mr. Ollivander came over and read her results over her shoulders. 

"Excellent!" he cried proudly. "All twelve subjects,"


Pass Grades


Fail Grades


Isabella Valerie Jefferson has achieved:

Ancient Runes O
Arithmancy O
Astronomy O
Care of Magical Creatures O

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