Chapter 174

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Things seemed to go back to normal.

Keyword, seemed. 

There was a certain rigidity everyone around Isabella had. And everyone was trying to cope with it in their own ways.

Sirius was joking around more than usual, James had polished his old broom that his handle was now basically a reflecting surface. Remus had taken to reading the same books he had over and over again and Lily was burying herself with the wedding preparations, going through everything though they had done it before. Peter helped around with the cooking much more now and Regulus would just try to find excuses to hold Isabella. 

Isabella felt all this was ridiculous. 

She was sitting up in the room with the round table, just making a few preparations when the door creaked open.

"Lunch's ready," Peter said when Isabella looked up.

"Thank you for letting me know, I'll be down soon," Isabella said, going back to doing what she was doing. 

But Peter didn't leave. 

Instead, he closed the door and walked over to Isabella and glanced over her shoulder to look at what she was doing. 

She was making a list with strange words on it.

"They are healing spells," Isabella told Peter. "For dark curses and wounds. . .Was there something you wanted to tell me, Peter?"

"Yeah," Peter said in a hushed voice. 

"I'll do it,"

Isabella looked up from her parchment.

Peter didn't look like he wanted to do it at all, but he was determined.

"If they come for me," he said quietly. "I'll do it. I'll make sure everyone's fine,"

Isabella smiled. 

"Thank you, Peter," she said, sincerely grateful. "I know it is incredibly difficult,"

"Yep," Peter nodded bitterly. "But I'll do it. . .Don't stress all by yourself, Izzy,"

He patted her shoulder and made his way back to the door.

"And Remus said to come down soon, or the others will just finish everything," he said before leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

Isabella put her quill down and leaned back in her seat.

One step closer. 

And her lunch was waiting, so that was there too. 

She finished writing and rolled up the parchment before getting up from her seat, and heading downstairs. 

"I can do that," Remus said as Isabella levitated the dishes off the table.

"I don't doubt your capability, Remus," Isabella said. "I just wish to do something while I think,"

"I'll help then," Remus insisted. 

Isabella saw no point in arguing, so nodded. 

Regulus was tapping his finger on the table watching the two go by the sink, chatting quietly.

Then he glanced at Sirius. 

Sirius didn't seem bothered at all. He was balancing his chair on its back legs and talking to James. 

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