Chapter 119

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When Black entered the classroom for Potions, Isabella perked up. 

He sat down in his seat beside her, and she extended her hand towards him, her palm open.

"What?" Black said. 

"My ten galleons," Isabella said simply. "I didn't sleep a wink last night, just like I told you,"

"You remember?" Black said, sounding more horrified than surprised.

"Of course, I do," Isabella said. "I don't forget things easily. . . unless an external force is involved,"

"Right," Black said, slightly grumpy again.  "I'll give the money later," 

"And Sirius told me about what happened," she said. 

"You begged me to," Black said stiffly. "But I'm not doing it for you. It's because of Sirius,"

"Of course," Isabella nodded serenely.

Something that Regulus couldn't help but notice was that Jefferson looked rather happy when he assured her that he was coming that night. 

She didn't say anything in particular. Nor did her face betray what she was feeling like the previous evening in the hospital wing. 

But there was a gleam in her eyes that made Regulus stomach lurch weirdly.

He was still dubious about going to the place that evening. He had sworn himself to the Dark Lord. He hadn't even begun helping him, when he was now going against him? 

It was such a muddled mess. 

Why did his life have to become so difficult all of a sudden? 

Regulus stood behind a stone pillar, hiding as nine o'clock approached. 

The thing that baffled him was that there was no door this time.

Five minutes till the arranged time, he saw Evans, Sirius and his friends walk over to the blank stone wall.

Potter was talking, as he stepped forward and walked thrice across the wall, and suddenly, a door appeared. 

Obviously, it was hidden with magic. 

Sirius was reading a parchment intently, then he looked up and locked eyes with Regulus. 

Regulus started. 

How the hell did he get caught?!

Sirius bounded towards him, grinning widely. 

"Regulus! You're here," Sirius said brightly, and before Regulus could say anything, Sirius had grabbed his hand and was now dragging him towards the door. 

Potter and Evans walked in, they seemed to be having a lovers' quarrel. Pettigrew followed them and Lupin waited for Sirius and Regulus to catch up. 

Regulus found himself being dragged into the room he had been invited to around a week ago. The same round table, the same marbled floor, and high ceiling. 

The only difference was that the round table seemed to be filled with books and half-written notes. 

They seemed to have started working on whatever. 

"Izzy! Look who we've brought!" Sirius said brightly, still clutching on to Regulus arm, as though worried that if he let go, Regulus would make a run for it. 

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