Chapter 47

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It had taken just one hour of class to drain Isabella completely. 

And so she came up with a plan. Something to ensure that she would still stay sane by the end of the day. 

Isabella went back in time. . .more times than it would have usually been necessary. 

When she set off to Potions, she was certain that at the same time she was in the library, doing her homework and she was in her dormitory, trying to take a nap, and she was in the Forbidden forest, trying to get her mind off things by drawing. 

It was for academics, Isabella would argue. She couldn't possibly do well in class if she was too tired, could she? She was just giving herself a rest period, rest and recreation are essential for increased productivity.

Isabella was rather pleased with herself when she walked out of the Forbidden Forest within an hour.

Instead of going for lunch, she decided to visit Val and Hagrid first. 

It was on her way back when she found Dumbledore waiting for her. 

"What a nice afternoon for a walk, is it not?" Dumbledore said chirply. 

Isabella's eyes automatically went to the sky overhead. It was slightly cloudy and the wind was slightly harsh. 

Well, everyone has their own preference. 

"If you don't mind, Miss Jefferson," Dumbledore said smiling at her. "Join me for a walk,"

Isabella nodded and hurried towards the Headmaster who had set off down the lawns. 

"How was your summer?" Dumbledore said casually.

"It was fine, headmaster," Isabella said simply. She knew where Dumbledore was leading to, and she knew what he wanted to know. But she wasn't going to answer him until he asked her clearly. She'd give him a straight answer for a straight question. 

"Hagird came to me," Dumbledore said. "Saying you'd taken in an injured augurey,"

"Yes," Isabella nodded. "I found her and couldn't leave her there,"

"That is very kind of you, Miss Jefferson," Dumbledore said. "And how are classes going on? With your timetable, are you adjusting well?"

"Yes, sir," Isabella said. "I've gotten used to it, and I would say it is working well,"

"That is wonderful," Dumbledore said jovially. He looked down at her through his half-moon spectacles.

Isabella knew better than to stare back at those piercing blue eyes. She had done her reading and homework, alright. She knew things she didn't know a few years ago and she wasn't going to let it continue any longer.

"Headmaster," she said sharply. "I would prefer it if you didn't resort to legilimency. If there is anything you need to know, please ask me directly," 

Dumbledore chuckled happily.

"Trust me, my dear, I have no intention of using legilimency on you," he said. 

Isabella gave him a curt smile. She knew that tone of voice. She wasn't the one to easily trust others, and especially not adults. She was used to this sweet talking and she knew what it meant. It meant they wanted something from her. 

The only reason she was ever approached was because she was considered special, or she had something that they could use for their own gain. 

So the least they could do was ask her straight forward, instead of screwing around with a rather petty and mediocre psychological warfare. 

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